RTA Studio, Irving Smith Architects SCION Innovation Hub - Te Whare Nui o Tuteata Built Environment
Warren and Mahoney Architects, Woods Bagot , NH Architecture Commercial Bay Built Environment
LandLAB, Tessa Harris Karangahape Road Bus Shelter Colour Award Spatial
Material Creative Ltd Naumi Studio Hotel Wellington Colour Award Spatial
Atelier Jones Design Hong Kong Inspired Kitchen Colour Award Spatial
Warren and Mahoney Architects Divya Purushotham Emerging Designer
Mike Davison, Creature Post , Angus Muir Design , Peter Hobbs The Church of the Crooked Cross Exhibition & Temporary Structures
WaiCreative Tū Ana Ngā Pou Angitu Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Bastion Shine, Spur , Satellite Spark 5G Race Zone Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Jasmax, FJMT, designTRIBE, Graham Tipene Te Tatau Kaitiaki by Graham Tipene Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Unlabelled Studios, Blink The Magic Mail Machine Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Copeland Associates Architects New Shoots ECEC Greenhithe Healthcare & Wellbeing / Between $3 and $10 million
Klein Architects Tiaho Mai Acute Mental Health Inpatient Unit, Middlemore Hospital Healthcare & Wellbeing / Over $10 million
Warren and Mahoney Architects MacMurray Medical Centre Healthcare & Wellbeing / Over $10 million
Foolscap Studio 1R Australia Healthcare & Wellbeing / Up to $3 million
Cheshire Architects The Hotel Britomart Hospitality / Accommodation - lodges, spas, retreats, hotels, motels
Material Creative Ltd Naumi Studio Hotel Wellington Hospitality / Accommodation - lodges, spas, retreats, hotels, motels
Cheshire Architects Mr Morris Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Cheshire Architects Ghost Street Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Cheshire Architects The Libraries Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Cheshire Architects The Hotel Restaurant Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Knight Associates Ltd., Sonja Hawkins Design Onslow Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
LandLAB Westhaven Promenade Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Outdoor Spaces - Over $2 million
RTA Studio, Irving Smith Architects SCION Innovation Hub - Te Whare Nui o Tuteata Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Public Development - over $10 million
Jasmax, FJMT, designTRIBE, Graham Tipene Te Ao Mārama Project, Auckland War Memorial Museum/ Tāmaki Paenga Hira Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Public Development - over $10 million
Unispace, Norman Disney Young RocketWerkz Lighting Design
Toulouse Ltd, Weta Workshop Weta Workshop Unleashed Lighting Design
Bastion Shine, Spur , Satellite , Novii Spark 5G Race Zone Lighting Design
Unispace Unispace Auckland Studio Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
Young+Richards, Nigel Rye (Furniture Specialist ) Magistrates - New atelier workplace for brand strategists Richards Partners Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
RTA Studio, Irving Smith Architects SCION Innovation Hub - Te Whare Nui o Tuteata Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Unispace RocketWerkz Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Fearon Hay Architects Hargreaves St Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Warren and Mahoney Architects Colliers Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Jasmax DLA Piper Auckland Office Fitout Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Cheshire Architects Fielding House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Cheshire Architects The Folly Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Fearon Hay Architects, Sonja Hawkins Te Arai Beach House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Crosson Architects Shapeshifter Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Z Architecture Republic Ltd Kennedy's House Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential
Bureaux Ltd Sandringham House Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential
Bureaux Ltd Herne Bay Road House Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential
Du Bois Design Leigh Bach Bliss Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design
Bureaux Ltd, - Lower Shotover House Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design
Tom Mark Henry Wahroonga House Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design
Blur the Lines Comvita Wellness Lab Retail Environments / Up to 150 square metres
Bastion Shine, Spur , Satellite Spark 5G Race Zone Spatial Design Communication
Archana Bhurke SHOR – A Spatial Exploration of Soundscapes of Birds in the City inspired by the Traditional Indian Art of Kalamkari AUT Art + Design — Spatial / Year Four
Shivneel Prasad Memoirs of World War One: A Spatial Narrative of Dislocation AUT Art + Design — Spatial / Year Four
Leo Zhu, Dorien Viliamu, Daniel Fennell, Wenhan (Gerry) Ji The Wood Pavilion The University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Four
Jacky Ziyi Zheng CyberBio University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Five
Sam Moloney Construction as Language The University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Five
Matthew Connolly The Forgotten Void : A Reversal of the Auckland Urban Hierarchy The University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Five
Daniel Choi Adtopia: Counterspaces of Resistance in the era of Advanced Abstractive Advertisement. University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Five
Three Sixty Architecture The Public Trust Built Environment
Bastion Shine, Spur , Satellite Spark 5G Race Zone Colour Award Spatial
Angus Muir Design WATER OVERHEAD Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Pac Studio, Marian Macken Drawing Room Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Warren and Mahoney Architects, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Te Papa Surrealist Exhibition & Temporary Structures
GHDWoodhead creativespaces NZ Blood Donor Centre Healthcare & Wellbeing / Between $3 and $10 million
Unispace Auckland Spine Surgery Centre Healthcare & Wellbeing / Between $3 and $10 million
Y—6 Sofitel Auckland Hospitality / Accommodation - lodges, spas, retreats, hotels, motels
Studio VDB Daphnes Taverna Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
CTRL Space Hotel Ponsonby Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
CPRW, LOCAL landscape architecture collective , Lily Frederikse & Co , WSP Structural Engineering , Palmerston North City Council Central Energy Trust Arena Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Outdoor Spaces - $200,000 to $2 million
LandLAB, Beca Karangahape Road Streetscape Enhancements Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Outdoor Spaces - Over $2 million
LandLAB Commercial Bay Sky Terrace Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Outdoor Spaces - Over $2 million
Switch Lighting Design Ltd, LandLAB Te Mata Topaki Lighting Design
Te Kāhui Toi Te Rau Karamu Marae, Massey University Lighting Design
enhance light_for architecture New Shoots ECE - Greenhithe Lighting Design
Jasmax Jasmax and Beca - DLA Piper Auckland Office Fitout Lighting Design
RCG ltd, Designworks Te Taura Whiri I Te Reo Māori – The Māori Language Commission Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
Warren and Mahoney Architects W+M Wellington Studio Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
Unispace, Amelia Holmes Jarden Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Unispace, Unispace QIC, Melbourne Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Warren and Mahoney Architects Buddle Findlay Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Warren and Mahoney Architects Chapman Tripp Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Jasmax MinterEllisonRuddWatts Auckland Office Fitout Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Nightworks Nightworks Studio Workplace Environments / Up to 200 square metres
GHDWoodhead creativespaces NZ Blood Donor Centre Repurposed Spaces/ Adaptive Reuse / Over 150 square metres
Condon Scott Architects Sugi House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
SGA Ltd Strachan Group Architects Waipapa Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Lloyd Hartley Architects, Studio Brick Architects Hill to Horizon House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Patterson Associates Pouaka Waikura Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Edwards White Architects Raglan Rest Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
COMMON Ltd Wai-Iti House Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential
Space Studio Remuera Residence Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design
Tom Mark Henry Windsor Street Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design
Wingates New World Hobsonville Retail Environments / Over 150 square metres
Ignite Architects, studio pasifika Hokohoko Museum Store Retail Environments / Over 150 square metres
Z Architecture Republic Ltd Bubble Tea Shop Newmarket Retail Environments / Up to 150 square metres
Material Creative Ltd Lo & Co Showroom Retail Environments / Up to 150 square metres
Knight Associates Ltd. Yu Mei Newmarket Retail Environments / Up to 150 square metres
Sophie Forsyth Blood On The Hands Of My Ancestors, Dirt On The Soles Of My Feet Massey University College of Creative Arts — Spatial / Year One
Isabella Muirhead Ngā Reo o Te Whenua University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Three
Mila Makasini Navigating Culture OTAGO POLYTECHNIC ARCHITECTURE — Spatial / Year Three
Kate Stanley Respect Your Elders Massey University Spatial Design — Spatial / Year Four
Karl Mendez Malaya - A Cultural Shift of the Filipino Diaspora University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Five
Rosemary Li Dou Gong Revival University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Five
LandLAB, Graham Tipene Te Mata Topaki Built Environment
Unispace Unispace Auckland Studio Colour Award Spatial
Z Architecture Republic Ltd Bubble Tea Shop Newmarket Colour Award Spatial
Extended Whānau, Angus Muir Design Toi Tū Toi Ora Activation Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Creature Post Under the Tanoa Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Creature Post, Colenso BBDO , Clemenger BBDO Covid 19 Public Service Banger Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Blur the Lines, Perceptual Engineering Comvita Wellness Lab: Sensory Honey Tasting Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Madeknown Riverside Ōtautahi Wall Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Y—6 Fable Dunedin Hospitality / Accommodation - lodges, spas, retreats, hotels, motels
Three Sixty Architecture The Muse Hospitality / Accommodation - lodges, spas, retreats, hotels, motels
Cheshire Architects Cafe Hanoi Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Bureaux Ltd Tosca Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
CTRL Space Siso Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Designwell Duck Island Scoop Shop - Cuba St Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Andrew Barrie Lab, Kanade Konishi , Matt Liggins Studio , Ruamoko Solutions Watari-Ago Shelter Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Outdoor Spaces - up to $200,000
Andrew Barrie Lab, Dylan Waddell , Matt Liggins Studio , Ruamoko Solutions Shadow Pavilion Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Outdoor Spaces - up to $200,000
Wynyard Edge Alliance, LandLAB Te Nukuao Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Outdoor Spaces - $200,000 to $2 million
LandLAB Amey Daldy Park Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Outdoor Spaces - Over $2 million
LOCAL landscape architecture collective, CPRW , Lily Frederikse & Co , WSP Central Energy Trust Arena (CETA) , Public Entrance Plaza, Papaoiea, Palmerston North Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Outdoor Spaces - Over $2 million
Pacific Environments NZ Ltd. Takaanini Library & Community Hub Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Public Development - up to $3 million
GHDWoodhead creativespaces Prebbleton School Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Public Development - up to $3 million
Warren and Mahoney Architects La Trobe University Sports Park Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Public Development - over $10 million
WSP Architecture Wellington East Girls College - Main Block Redevelopment Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Public Development - over $10 million
Switch Lighting Design Ltd, Warren and Mahoney Architects Chapman Tripp Lighting Design
Unispace, Switch Lighting Design Ltd Jarden Lighting Design
Custance Deloitte Dunedin Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
Designwell Hamilton Legal Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
StudioPritchard NZ Bus Head Office & Operations Centre Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
Warren and Mahoney Architects Commercial Bay Office Suites Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Unispace, Unispace ServiceNow Office, Melbourne Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Davenport Campbell, Wingates HSBC NZ Headquarters Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Foolscap Studio ANZ 'Open House' Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
GHDWoodhead creativespaces, GHD Design GHD Melbourne Office Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Clark Bardsley Design, Work Club Global Work Club Olderfleet Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Wingates Property Funding Workplace Environments / Up to 200 square metres
Clark Bardsley Design, Work Club Global Sagas - Barrack Place Workplace Environments / Up to 200 square metres
Madeknown Riverside Ōtautahi Wall Repurposed Spaces/ Adaptive Reuse / Over 150 square metres
Copeland Associates Architects New Shoots Hillcrest Repurposed Spaces/ Adaptive Reuse / Over 150 square metres
SGA Ltd Strachan Group Architects Zonnebries Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Sayes Studio Sawtooth Apartment Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Dorrington Atcheson Architects Regina Street Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Scarlet Architects Hot Water Beach House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
COMMON Ltd Fulcrum House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
South by Southeast House on a Rock Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
COMMON Ltd Fulcrum House Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential
Seagar Design Ltd., Ponting Fitzgerald Architects Bendemeer Estate Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design
PEACHhaus Design and Development, Warwick Lee Architecture Bungalow Glam Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design
StudioStudio Chester Avenue Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design
Daniel Eaton Watershed Dark AUT Art + Design — Spatial / Year Three
Grayson Croucher, Kanghyun Kim The Russell Rejuvenation Initiative University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Three
Grace Williams The Roof Over Our Head Massey University College of Creative Arts — Spatial / Year Four
Julia Mapusua A state of reimagining: reconnection and belonging through mark making AUT Art + Design — Spatial / Year Four
Henry Fraser Edge of the Lake University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Five
Daniel Yip The City of Compositional Artefacts + Fragments University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Five
JTB Architects Collingwood Street House Built Environment
Copeland Associates Architects Auckland United FC Clubhouse Built Environment
Pacific Environments NZ Ltd. Takaanini Library & Community Hub Colour Award Spatial
Space Studio Remuera Residence Colour Award Spatial
COMMON Ltd Cosmic Headquarters Colour Award Spatial
Wingates, Marchese Partners Wakefield Street Student Commons Colour Award Spatial
GHDWoodhead creativespaces Prebbleton School Colour Award Spatial
Angus Muir Design ‘Ngā Mata o te Ariki’ (‘The Eyes of God’) Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Otago Museum Fashion FWD >> Disruption Through Design Exhibition & Temporary Structures
GVG Te Whakatōhenehene Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Jasmax, MuirMcNeil Te Āhuru Supergraphics System Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Jasmax Durham Lane Supergraphics Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Kirkcaldie Interiors Lady Wigram Village Healthcare & Wellbeing / Between $3 and $10 million
SemiCreative Antoun | Nichols Orthodontics Healthcare & Wellbeing / Up to $3 million
Mandala Design Ltd. Hotel Fitzroy curated by Fable Hospitality / Accommodation - lodges, spas, retreats, hotels, motels
Tom Mark Henry Cucina Porto Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
CTRL Space Euro Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Designwell Cream Eatery Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Ariki Creative Ltd, Medway Moko , Tribal Pataka Te Waiatatanga Mai o Ngā Atua Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Outdoor Spaces - Over $2 million
WSP Architecture Te Puka O Te Waka, Rakiura Museum Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Public Development - up to $10 million
Novii Du Val Gym Lighting Design
Toulouse Ltd, WORKSHOP E LTD , EQ Made , Pelorus Architecture All Blacks Experience Lighting Design
Interior Creative Vanguard Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
Stack Interiors Mercedes-Benz Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
Fabric, F3 Design 14 Walker Street Offices Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
GHDWoodhead creativespaces, GHD Design Watercare Nerve Centre Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
Warren and Mahoney Architects PwC Auckland Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Stack Interiors Southern Cross Healthcare Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Hierarchy Group, Strategy Creative A1 Property Managers Workplace Environments / Up to 200 square metres
Fabric, F3 Design 14 Walker Street Offices Repurposed Spaces/ Adaptive Reuse / Over 150 square metres
Catalyst Cityfitness Midcity Fitness Club Repurposed Spaces/ Adaptive Reuse / Over 150 square metres
matter Green Walls & Gables Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Wingates Arka Modular Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Scarlet Architects The Skinny House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Pacific Environments NZ Ltd Vermont Villa Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Crosson Architects Light and Clay Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
COMMON Ltd Wai-Iti House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Threefold Architecture Bannockburn House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Edwards White Architects The Nest Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Jose Gutierrez Ltd Earles House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses
Material Creative Ltd Pt Chevalier Residence Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design
RCG ltd, Designworks Te Taura Whiri I Te Reo Māori – The Māori Language Commission Spatial Design Communication
Benjamin Fraser Benjamin Fraser The University of Auckland — Spatial / Year One
Lauren Arthur Room For Thought OTAGO POLYTECHNIC ARCHITECTURE — Spatial / Year Two
Tamin Song Kōrero University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Two
Julia Mapusua, Sharon Semi Tugia, Denise Saso Banig-Fala AUT Art + Design — Spatial / Year Three
Javani Govender Past versus Present: The Fort District Pavilion AUT Art + Design — Spatial / Year Three
Troy Davis, Joyce Yang, Jalaina Hitchen, Ella Thomas Rongoā Garden AUT Art + Design — Spatial / Year Three
Janae Van Panahon The Evolution of Creation : Separation of Ranginui and Papatuanuku The University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Three
Janae Van Panahon Rebirth of the Natural World : Performative Void and Darkness The University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Four
Charlie Devine Thermal Tectonics - Towards a High Performing New Zealand Vernacular Victoria University of Wellington, School of Architecture — Spatial / Year Five
Kevin Shim Aberrant Urban: An Oneiric-topia for suburban Tāmaki Makaurau University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Five