Field of Play Ōkiwi Bay Rec. Trust Small Brand Identity / Cultural
Desna Jury LifeDINZ Designers Institute Black Pin
Colenso BBDO Pīkari Mai Social Good Award
studio john irving Rics Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
FINE FINE WINE Packaging / Boutique
Extended Whānau Kia Puāwai Large Brand Identity / Cultural
Paloma, Universal Favourite WHEN Digital Products
Threefold Architecture Kereru Home Residential / Residential Architecture
Jeremy Moon John Britten Black Pin
Edwards White Architects Limited Panorama Residential / Residential Architecture
Beca Tapuwae - Northcote Pedestrian Bridges Lighting Design
Threefold Architecture Riverslea Home Residential / Residential Architecture
Resn Valmont Large Scale Websites
Designgroup Stapleton Elliott Tauranga Boys' College – New Teaching Block Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Public Development - up to $10 million
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare - OSA Evora Full Mask Value of Design
Extended Whānau He Aka Ka Toro Toitanga
New Pacific Architecture Ltd The Custodial Storyteller Fale Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Outdoor Spaces - up to $200,000
Clemenger BBDO Limited, Glue Society , Match Artists , Rubber Band , Revolver The Broken Hearts Design Communication
DesignStudio Compound Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Crosson Architects Paper House Residential / Residential Architecture
Spatial Judge 2024 Thomas Seear-Budd Seear-Budd Ross
TOA Architect Whiti Ora Toitanga
Stuart Geddes, Graphic Design Work Pty Ltd , Ziga Testen Studio Dale Frank, Artist: Artworks 2006–2023 Editorial and Books
Studio South Te Kahu o Waipuna - Marlborough Art Gallery Environmental Graphics
Tuckshop Our table - Cookbook Self Promotion
Daymark Pepler's Colour Award Graphics
Nic Owen Architects Textured Bach Residential / Residential Architecture
Marx Design Thankyou Revolution Packaging / FMCG
Playground Creative Pty Ltd State Library Exchange Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Re, Chaos Theory , Kit Design Team Kit Money Quests Value of Design
Arkhé Kokako Heights Whare Residential / Residential Architecture
ZURU Edge Being Structural Packaging
Virtuo Adaptdefy Non-Consumer
RUN Māori Kiwifruit Growers Brand Identity Small Brand Identity / Commercial
ED. Red Nose Day – Childhood Dreamstakes Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery
Piper Architects Upright Seclusion Residential / Residential Architecture
Gerard Calibre Consumer
Sons & Co., Alt Group AGI Open Small Scale Websites
The Wonder Group Mode Studio Healthcare & Wellbeing / Up to $3 million
The Tuesday Club The Driest July Design Communication
CTRL Space The Nightcar Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Spatial Judge 2024 Juliet Barker Studio Pacific Architecture
4AM Ayrburn Large Brand Identity / Commercial
KYT Bags KYT Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Oli Booth Architecture Patuwai Residential / Residential Architecture
Previously Unavailable, TRA Labs Ideally — Where ideas go to grow Small Brand Identity / Commercial
The Tuesday Club Mānuka Health New Zealand Rebrand Design Craft / Photography
Inklab OhNo! Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Base Design Murray's Cheese E-Commerce Websites (new 2024)
Extended Whānau, Angus Muir Design Te Mātahi o te Tau Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Federation NZ Opera. Feel the Opera Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Ira Kia Pai Te Raumati Packaging / FMCG
Tātaki Auckland Unlimited 2024 BNZ Auckland Lantern Festival Small Brand Identity / Cultural
Unitec NZ 02 Editorial and Books
Strata Architects Tui Hills Nikau Pavilion Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Outdoor Spaces - $200,000 to $2 million
Graphic Solutions Ltd Institute of Directors, Boardroom Magazine Business Communication
RCG ltd, studio pasifika Hawaikirangi - Whakaata Māori Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Private Development - Up to $10 million
Alt Group A Book Of One Liners Self Promotion
Chloe Reweti, Wētā Workshop Ltd Māwhera Pā - The Pounamu Pathway Toitanga
Federation NZ Opera. Feel the Opera Colour Award Graphics
Harrows Terete Furniture
Social Good Award Judge 2024 Peter Harrison Thinkplace
Schwarz Design Jade Residence Residential / Residential Interior Architecture
White Rabbit Heal Within Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Plus Architecture The Pacifica Penthouse Residential / Residential Interior Architecture
Colenso BBDO Pīkari Mai Design Communication
Studio South Simon Lewis Wards Design Craft / Photography
Klein Architects Harbour Hospice North Shore Healthcare & Wellbeing / Over $10 million
Collab: Henry Glogau & Aleksander Kongshaug Resource Autonomy Social Good Award
Marx Design Thankyou Launch Kit Business Communication
RCG ltd, studio pasifika Hawaikirangi - Whakaata Māori Repurposed Spaces/ Adaptive Reuse / Over 150 square metres
Sharesies Sharesies KiwiSaver Scheme Digital Products
Field of Play Air New Zealand Tūhono Colour Award Graphics
Tawhiti Wines Tawhiti Wines Toitanga
Stanley St, Film Three Sixty Auckland Philharmonia – Moving Music Design Craft / Photography
Woolkin Boulder™ – the natural dump truck that's bolder Consumer
Onfire Design Ltd Salash Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Hannah Davies Partridge Jewellers Queenstown Retail Environments / Over 150 square metres
Colenso BBDO Silo Theatre 2024 Design Craft / Photography
BUCK, BMF , Rumble Studio Alinta Energy True Power Motion Design & Animation
Design by Twig A Hug So Tight Social Good Award
ZURU Edge, Studio Select No Bad Mondays Filmed Videos (was Cinematography & Editing)
Toitanga Judge 2024 Phoebe Devine PDINZ (Te Whānau-ā-Apanui) Previously Unavailable
Studio Almond Hyoumankind E-Commerce Websites (new 2024)
Blur the Lines Comvita Auckland International Duty Free Retail Environments / Up to 150 square metres
Marx Design Thankyou Reimagined Design Communication
Studio 11:11 Heyington Place Residential / Residential Interior Architecture
CTRL Space The Formery Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
Special Group Good One. Colour Award Graphics
Great Journeys New Zealand, Designworks Great Journeys New Zealand Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Brave Media Dilmah Beverages Packaging / FMCG
Locales He Ara Kotahi, Hei Ara Kōrero Installation & Exhibition
Warren and Mahoney Architects Simpson Grierson Wellington Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Hula Hula Christmas Gift - Summer Remixed Self Promotion
Hula Yonomi Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery
COMMON Ltd Lucking House Residential / Residential Interior Architecture
ART of FACT My5G Portal - Smart City installation Installation & Exhibition
Blur the Lines Comvita Auckland International Duty Free Colour Award Spatial
Scott Parker Creative Ngā Pakiaka : Like the Roots of a Tree Exhibition & Temporary Structures
misterwolf Squiggla Small Brand Identity / Cultural
Space Studio, Warren and Mahoney Architects Te Arikinui Pullman Auckland Airport Toitanga
Onfire Design Ltd Salash Packaging / Boutique
Creature Post, Angus Muir Design , VML Campari - Aperitivo Hour Lighting Design
Moving Image Judge 2024 Will MacDonald, DINZ (Ngāti Porou) Motion Sickness
Studio South Genei Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Hula Yonomi Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Daylight The Spinoff - Paper Podcasts Design Communication
WOODS Agency SoulMate Packaging / Boutique
Crosson Architects The Diamond Shop Retail Environments / Up to 150 square metres
Extended Whānau Reuben Paterson Editorial and Books
Paceracer Bespoke Waterproof Outdoor Clock Non-Consumer
HENKA The Lipstick Effect. Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Publica The Kind Foundation Large Scale Websites
Cultigraphy Growing Garden Self Promotion
Nikki Wilson Studio Te Whare Pora Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Curative The Hive Social Good Award
Beca University of Auckland, B201 Building Lighting Design
One Design The People's Studies Packaging / FMCG
Swear Words Sungai Design Social Good Award
Vidak Ltd Retreat Lounge Modular Furniture
Gladeye The Catch Small Scale Websites
Klein Architects Northbridge Day Pavilion Healthcare & Wellbeing / Up to $3 million
ZURU Edge HABIT Packaging / FMCG
Blender Bovonic Quadsense Non-Consumer
Digital Judge 2024 Elaina Hamilton Sharesies
Goodnature Goodnature Mouse Trap: The Clever Killer Consumer
Unispace Lightspeed Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Studio South Only Good Packaging / FMCG
THERE BTWN Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Universal Favourite The Dinner Ladies Design Craft / Illustration
Side By Side Studio Powerhouse Small Brand Identity / Commercial
The Designers Foundry Goodman variable typeface Design Craft / Typography
Noa Blanket Co Te Aparautaki Textile
NV Interactive, NV Interactive Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa Large Scale Websites
Unordinary Nectaron® Brand Refresh Small Brand Identity / Commercial
The Designers Foundry A TO Z WITH BISEL Self Promotion
Tip Top Design Studio, The Key Branding Kāpiti Ice Cream Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Stanley St, Film Three Sixty Taco Bell – Cheesy, Crunchy, Spicy, Fresh Design Craft / Typography
Not Another™ Daily Te Reo Māori Slack App Digital Products
Nakatomi Prologue by NIDA Digital Products
NZ Police, Smudge Mobility & Deployment Ecosystem Value of Design
ART of FACT My5G Portal, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Exhibition & Temporary Structures
National Gallery of Victoria Photography: Real and Imagined Editorial and Books
Special Group Halberg Large Brand Identity / Cultural
One Design Rogue Society Design Communication
Spatial Judge 2024 Daniel Kempka, DINZ Warren & Mahoney Architects
DDMMYY, Klim Type Foundry American Grotesk Colour Award Graphics
Colenso BBDO Delivereasy Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Previously Unavailable Bustle — Serving Good Times Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Storybox Ngā mātaiarorangi - The Stargazers Installation & Exhibition
Keshaw McArthur Ridge House Residential / Residential Architecture
Unordinary EMA Rebrand Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Ira Te Taurapa Design Craft / Illustration
RUN Ngā tauira whai a Matariki (The string patterns of Matariki) Environmental Graphics
The Village Goldsmith Designed Object: The Village Goldsmith Floeting® Diamond Vessel Ring Designed Objects
Caroma Design & Innovation team Caroma Contura Collection Consumer
Fuman Alpine Buildings Large Brand Identity / Commercial
McCarthy, Subject Matter Salt Small Scale Websites
Unordinary MaiFM Brand Refresh Small Brand Identity / Commercial
The Tuesday Club, Inhouse Design Mānuka Health New Zealand Rebrand Packaging / FMCG
Studio South Aalto Colour Award Graphics
DDB Group Aotearoa NZ Netsafe- ReScam 2.0 Digital Campaigns
Imagic Creative Agency Science Alive Website and Education Portal Large Scale Websites
JWA Architects Ltd Tawharau Lane Development Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Private Development - Up to $10 million
Stitchbird, Design Group Stapleton Elliot , Wayfinder Landscape Planning and Strategy Waiaroha - Heretaunga Water Discovery Centre Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Public Development - up to $10 million
Space Studio, Pacific Environments NZ Ltd The Botanic Clubhouse Healthcare & Wellbeing / Between $3 and $10 million
Digital Judge 2024 Alex Murton, PDINZ Studio Almond
Publica The Piano brand refresh Small Brand Identity / Cultural
WOODS Agency QE Health Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Extended Whānau Te Hau Whakatonu: A Series of Never-Ending Beginnings Design Communication
CHEP Network, Finch , Assembly , Sonar Music Light Years from Home Social Good Award
Bossley Architects Whareroa Residential / Residential Architecture
Great Journeys New Zealand, Designworks Great Journeys New Zealand Toitanga
Universal Favourite When Packaging / Boutique
IZZARD Design Bremworth Experience Store Retail Environments / Up to 150 square metres
Periscope Clicky Knee Self Promotion
Resn, Getty Sculpting Harmony Large Scale Websites
Locales He Ara Kotahi, Hei Ara Kōrero Social Good Award
Andrew Ashton Design AaGT 2024 Limited Edition Calendar Editorial and Books
Special Group Good One. Packaging / FMCG
Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki Guo Pei: Fashion, Art, Fantasy 郭培:时装之幻梦 Colour Award Graphics
Hobbiton Movie set Bagshot Row Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Universal Favourite Monkey Baa Theatre Company Small Brand Identity / Cultural
Hot Mess The New Zealand Symphony Orchestra | Te Tira Pūoro o Aotearoa Large Scale Websites
Tom Mark Henry Hotel Morris Hospitality / Accommodation - lodges, spas, retreats, hotels, motels
Monolith, Brave Media Pompallier Design Craft / Typography
Studio DB, TOA Architects Whiti Ora | Starship Colour Award Spatial
Graphic Judge 2024 Alan Deare Area Design
DDB Group Aotearoa NZ Blue - ANZ Bank New Zealand Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery
LandLAB Microsoft House Plaza Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Outdoor Spaces - Over $2 million
Never Sit Still We Never Sit Still - The Anti-Showreel Motion Design & Animation
DDB Group Aotearoa NZ Different. Samsung NZ Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery
Attraction Studio Mortgage Mates Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Hierarchy Group Graham Residence 'Man Cave' Residential / Residential Interior Architecture
Houston Twist Distilling Packaging / Boutique
Moves Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Nova Micro™ Mask Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery
Previously Unavailable Special Editions — Salome Tanuvasa Self Promotion
Ponting Fitzgerald Architects Ponting Fitzgerald Architects Residential / Residential Architecture
kingi/CRITICAL, Megan Bardsley kingi board Social Good Award
Thinkerbell, Reel Factory Blunt – Engineering Joy Digital Campaigns
Unordinary Nectaron® Packaging Packaging / FMCG
ED. The Audacious School of Astonishing Pursuits Small Scale Websites
Archco Architecture Lake Ohau Retreat Residential / Residential Architecture
Knight Associates Ltd. Kowtow Naarm Retail Environments / Up to 150 square metres
Noa Blanket Co Te Aparautaki Toitanga, MAUD Prospect House Residential / Residential Architecture
RUSH UNICEF Aotearoa Website Social Good Award
Sheppard & Rout Architects Limited Marian College Repurposed Spaces/ Adaptive Reuse / Over 150 square metres
Spatial Convenor 2024 Valentina Machina, FDINZ Warren & Mahoney Architects
Catalyst AOG Accommodation Project Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Great Journeys New Zealand, Designworks Great Journeys New Zealand Environmental Graphics
Playground Creative Pty Ltd Melbourne Prize for Sculpture Design Communication, MAUD Prospect House Residential / Residential Interior Architecture
The Tuesday Club Mānuka Health New Zealand Rebrand Large Brand Identity / Commercial
WOODS Agency QE Health Toitanga
Sons & Co. Urban Rural Systems Small Scale Websites
MWDesign Kuki Reka Kani (Māra Set) Colour Award Product
Peddlethorp, Macintosh Harris The Foundation - Nathan Residences Healthcare & Wellbeing / Over $10 million
Autex Acoustics Vicinity™ Desk Screens Sustainable Product Design (SPD)
Special Group, Monolith Special Gothic Specimen Editorial and Books
Alphero On with the show! Digital Products
Fuman IQ COLOR Design Communication
Field of Play Vollē Golf Evolution Colour Award Graphics
Studio South Simon Lewis Wards E-Commerce Websites (new 2024)
Contain Design Studio, Lillian Cutts , Studio Wilson Spicers & Direct Paper Packaging Promotion Design Communication
Formway Dine Sustainable Product Design (SPD)
Inklab Nucleus Large Scale Websites
Sinch Bikes, Onfire Design Ltd Force EZ Belt Consumer
NV Interactive, Curative The D*List Small Scale Websites
Digital Judge 2024 Danny Carlsen, PDINZ Bastion Shine
National Gallery of Victoria Observations: Moments in Design History Editorial and Books
Imagic Creative Agency Science Alive Website and Education Portal Social Good Award
Nightworks La~De~Da Lighting
Daylight Pacific Media Network - PMN IS US Value of Design
Città Bough Dining Chair Furniture
Alt Group Lorem Ipsum Typer Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery
Lucas Wotawa Orlo Chair Furniture
Daymark Harrows Small Brand Identity / Commercial
ZURU Edge Business Litter Packaging / FMCG
The Wonder Group Wonder Group Studios Workplace Environments / Up to 200 square metres
Toi Āria: Design for Public Good, Massey University Te Pae Hononga — Whaanau Connected Social Good Award
Principals Solstice Energy Large Brand Identity / Commercial
ThoughtFull, ThoughtFull Halter Brand Transformation Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Think Packaging 2degrees First Phone box Structural Packaging
Daylight Red Frogs - Send it Safely Design Communication
Fabric, SemiCreative Studio Dental Healthcare & Wellbeing / Up to $3 million
Hula Hula Christmas Gift - Summer Remixed Design Craft / Illustration
Daylight Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge - Tohorā Social Good Award
Base Design Choreus Small Scale Websites
studio john irving the cottages Hospitality / Accommodation - lodges, spas, retreats, hotels, motels
Social Good Award Judge 2024 Awerangi Tamihere NZOM (Ngāti Kauwhata, Rangitāne, Ngāti Porou, Rongowhakaata, Kai Tahu) Te Whānau o Waipareira
Jasmax The Pā, University of Waikato | Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Public Development - over $10 million
Assembly, Special Group Otago "Down For It" Motion Design & Animation
Kitea Health Brain pressure monitoring Non-Consumer
DDB Group Aotearoa NZ VW Greenprint Sustainable Product Design (SPD)
Made Studio Hello Period E-Commerce Websites (new 2024)
Bastion Shine Skills Alley Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Designwell, Chow Hill Architects Ltd Te Kete Aronui - Rototuna Library Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Public Development - over $10 million
Navico Asia Pacific Lowrance Recon Trolling Motor Consumer
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei / Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau, Gibson International , Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei , Auckland Council Te Wharekua: he mana tō, he mauri tū Toitanga
Sunday Best Darling Small Brand Identity / Commercial
WorkGroup Goodnature - Mousetrap Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery
Story Inc, Studio Cassells Ltd, Australian Museum Sharks Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Woodwrights, Seear-Budd Ross SBR C01 Chair Furniture
CTRL Space Soda Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Studio Almond Flooring Xtra E-Commerce Websites (new 2024)
Alt Group AGI Aotearoa Typer Design Craft / Typography
Warren and Mahoney Architects Te Kaha – Deloitte Centre Repurposed Spaces/ Adaptive Reuse / Over 150 square metres
McCarthy Middlehurst Station Farm Store Design Communication
Unispace Unispace Wellington Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
Assembly Find The Point Of Change Motion Design & Animation
Social Good Award Judge 2024 Aakifa Chida AUT
Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT) Te Puawānanga Science and Technology Centre Colour Award Spatial
DDB Group Aotearoa NZ The Real Watergate Small Scale Websites
Sussudio Laugher Design Communication
Jasmax The Pā, University of Waikato | Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato Toitanga
The Tuesday Club Mānuka Health New Zealand Website Rebrand Large Scale Websites
Curative Canteen Aotearoa Small Brand Identity / Cultural
DDB Group Aotearoa NZ McDonald's Best of ‘91 Design Communication
Studio Local, The Tuesday Club Mānuka Health Rebrand Motion Design & Animation
Sf Design Wisp Rug Textile
Jessica Close Interiors The Observatory Hotel, Christchurch Colour Award Spatial
Field of Play Air New Zealand Tūhono Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery
IZZARD Design Farina Colour Award Spatial
Dorrington Atcheson Architects Allum Street 2 Residential / Residential Architecture
Noa Blanket Co Te Aparautaki Consumer
Insight Creative Argosy Brand Refresh Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Sons & Co. Bull O'Sullivan Architecture Small Scale Websites
Wingates Manawa Energy Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Formway Dine Furniture
Jasmax B201, University of Auckland | Waipapa Taumata Rau Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Public Development - over $10 million
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare - OSA Evora Full Mask Non-Consumer
Graphic Judge 2024 Caroline Konarkowska Fuman
PAKU Pū Rākau Consumer
Sons & Co., Mucho UC Investments Large Scale Websites
WorkGroup Goodnature - Mousetrap Motion Design & Animation
Colenso BBDO Pīkari Mai Toitanga
Alt Group Dot the I's and Cross the T's Design Communication
BREMWORTH Galet Colour Award Product
Waxeye Te Kōtiu Installation & Exhibition
Doyle Sails International Doyle Experience Toolkit Packaging / Boutique
WOODS Agency SoulMate Colour Award Graphics
LyZadie Design Studio LETSWEAVE Coffee Table Furniture
Performance Sports Limited CHAPTER2 KAHA Consumer
Klim Type Foundry American Grotesk® Design Craft / Typography
FCB New Zealand, The Jacky Winter Group The Anti-Drink Driving Game Design Craft / Illustration
IZZARD Design, Tennent Brown Architects Willis Lane Repurposed Spaces/ Adaptive Reuse / Over 150 square metres
Edwards White Architects Limited MADE Repurposed Spaces/ Adaptive Reuse / Over 150 square metres
Lucky Stairs worm, root, wort... & bane Editorial and Books
AKQA New Zealand Fixmas - Give the gift of repair Digital Products
Houston Twist Distillery Design Craft / Illustration
Extended Whānau Rewi: Āta haere, kia tere Colour Award Graphics
Oli Booth Architecture Poppa's Palace Residential / Residential Architecture
Product Judge 2024 Alix Abanda Beca
Designwell Harrows Showroom Retail Environments / Over 150 square metres
KANAT Studio, Ethan Hunter Architect Tea House Residential / Residential Interior Architecture
Leuschke Group Architects StudioBox Auckland City Healthcare & Wellbeing / Up to $3 million
Dorrington Atcheson Architects Matarua Rise Residential / Residential Architecture
Custance, Fisher Partners Deloitte, 1 Queen Street, Auckland Colour Award Spatial
Alt Group AGI Aotearoa New Zealand 2023 Large Brand Identity / Cultural
Wildlabs The Urban Physio Small Scale Websites
Unordinary MaiFM Cheat Sheet Business Communication
CHEP Network, Endava TenSevenSeven E-Commerce Websites (new 2024)
Ko & Ko Consultancy Ltd, Crosson Architects Waitī House Residential / Residential Interior Architecture
Designwell St. Peter's College & Prep Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Private Development - Up to $3 million
Unordinary Nectaron® Brewer Campaign Design Communication
RUN Run Rebrand and Collateral Self Promotion
MWDesign Kuki Reka Kani (Māra Set) Designed Objects
Studio 024™, For You Studio New Ground Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Sons & Co., Wade & Leta Noho Design Craft / Photography
IDIA Te Whainga o te Mārama Social Good Award
Wildlabs Vessev Small Scale Websites
Re Snap Send Solve Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Made Studio Duco E-Commerce Websites (new 2024)
Social Good Award Judge 2024 Reuben Bijl, PDINZ Smudge
The Tuesday Club Mānuka Health New Zealand Rebrand Colour Award Graphics
Studio Almond ACME Cups E-Commerce Websites (new 2024)
Colenso BBDO Pīkari Mai Digital Campaigns
Tawhiti Wines Tawhiti Wines Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Colenso BBDO State - Tally MyPost Digital Campaigns
Studio George Hajian Eli Gray-Smith: A pianist and a ceramicist Editorial and Books
KYT Bags, Think Packaging , Porter Packaging , Collective Force KYT Packaging / Boutique
Extended Whānau He Aka Ka Toro Colour Award Graphics
DDB Group Aotearoa NZ Netsafe Rescam 2.0 Small Scale Websites
Context Mother Duck, Lawnton Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Private Development - Up to $10 million
Toi Mai Ohu Ahumahi Te Wao Nui o Toi Display Design Craft / Typography
Special Group Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa Large Brand Identity / Cultural
Daylight Red Frogs - Send it Safely Social Good Award
Studio Almond MyCube E-Commerce Websites (new 2024)
Blender Huski Champagne Cooler Consumer
Sunday Best Darling Colour Award Graphics
Ockham Residential Aalto Residential / Residential Architecture
Gladeye Wildsam Large Scale Websites
One Design Scapegrace Design Communication
Harrows Waterfall Furniture
Social Good Award Judge 2024 Kaan Hiini (Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa, Te Arawa) Curative
Expella, Newtech Casalino Odourless Toilet Consumer
Warner Bros. Discovery ANZ, Alphero ThreeNow Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Alt Group Greer Twiss Puppeteer Editorial and Books
Ira Kia Pai Te Raumati Design Craft / Illustration
IDIA Te Whainga o te Mārama Toitanga
Alt Group, Cactuslab Good Sh*t Soda Small Scale Websites
KYT Bags, Think Packaging , Porter Packaging , Collective Force KYT Colour Award Graphics
Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki Guo Pei: Fashion, Art, Fantasy 郭培:时装之幻梦 Design Communication
Colenso BBDO Silo Theatre 2024 Design Communication
Think Packaging KYT Structural Packaging
Dorrington Atcheson Architects Paremoremo Residential / Residential Architecture
Bastion Shine Skills Alley Colour Award Spatial
Trudi Hewitt The dead are always laughing at us Editorial and Books
Condon Scott Architects Penrith Peaks Residential / Residential Architecture
Studio Almond RUBY E-Commerce Websites (new 2024)
National Gallery of Victoria Precarious Movements: Choreography and the Museum Editorial and Books
WorkGroup Asona Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery
Assembly Blip Lightyears from Home Motion Design & Animation
Graphic Solutions Ltd Institute of Directors, Boardroom Magazine Editorial and Books
Locales He Ara Kotahi, Hei Ara Kōrero Toitanga
Spatial Judge 2024 Sharon Pearce, DINZ Resene
Studio Pacific Architecture BNZ Place Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Marx Design Thankyou Reimagined Social Good Award
Studio South Aalto Digital Campaigns
True Limited, Moves COLAB Identity Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Jessica Close Interiors Artist's Home, Lyttelton Colour Award Spatial
misterwolf Squiggla Social Good Award
THERE Co-Lab Environmental Graphics
Athfield Architects, CUSTANCE Datacom, Asteron House, Wellington Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
White Rabbit Heal Within Packaging / Boutique
Fuman IQ COLOR Colour Award Graphics
Curative Protect Your Breath - Later Vaper Arcade Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Field of Play Ōkiwi Bay Rec. Trust Brand Manual Business Communication
Peddlethorp The Helier Healthcare & Wellbeing / Over $10 million
studio john irving the glider Residential / Residential Architecture
Ira, Made by South Celebrating A Uniquely Tainui Waka Kōrero Toitanga
Previously Unavailable Bustle — Serving Good Times Small Scale Websites
Stuart Geddes, Ziga Testen Studio , Graphic Design Work Pty Ltd Nicholas Mangan: A World Undone Editorial and Books
The Edison Agency Carbon Six Packaging / Boutique
Toybox Post & Animation Delivereasy Motion Design & Animation
Johnstone Callaghan Architects Redcliffs Medical Centre Healthcare & Wellbeing / Up to $3 million
Social Good Award Judge 2024 Hilary Ngan Kee Motion Sickness
Onfire Design Ltd Rolling Meadow Packaging / FMCG
DDMMYY, Klim Type Foundry American Grotesk Design Communication
JTB Architects New Zealand Wine Centre Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Private Development - Up to $10 million
Journey Resident App | Designing for the Overlooked User Social Good Award
CHEP Network, Endava TenSevenSeven Large Brand Identity / Commercial
MWDesign Kuki Reka Kani (Manu Set) Colour Award Product
Studio Muse Ltd Toast & Oak Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Balboa Hubbl Large Brand Identity / Commercial
RUSH Z App 2.0 Digital Products
FINE More than Company Small Brand Identity / Commercial
DDB Group Aotearoa NZ Prime Rebrand / SKY Open Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Richards Partners Orca – Chasing Epic Large Brand Identity / Commercial
FCB New Zealand, Glue Society , Revolver The Second Sun Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Studio Almond Muse E-Commerce Websites (new 2024)
Marx Design, Per Capita Thankyou Inside Store Environmental Graphics
Studio Semaphore Djerring Flemington Hub Environmental Graphics
Sharesies Sharesies KiwiSaver Scheme and investment plan builder Large Scale Websites
CTRL Space Metita Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
RUN RANZCOG ASM 2024 Small Brand Identity / Cultural
Daylight The World Health Organization- The Delivery Social Good Award
Toitanga Judge 2024 Whakaawa Te Kani (Ngati Ranginui, Ngati Kahunungu, Ngati Maniapoto, Ngai Tahu) Noa Blanket Co
Richards Partners RCP – Shape • Organise • Deliver Large Brand Identity / Commercial
RUN Ngā tauira whai a Matariki (The string patterns of Matariki) Toitanga
Studio South Moustache Small Brand Identity / Commercial
One Design Scapegrace Business Communication
Extended Whānau, RNZ Design Team RNZ System Update Business Communication
Johnstone Callaghan Architects Garden House Residential / Residential Architecture
DSR Branding Mettlesome Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Foolscap Studio ANZ Banking Museum Repurposed Spaces/ Adaptive Reuse / Over 150 square metres
IZZARD Design Farina Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
One Design Scapegrace Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Designworks Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka Toitanga
Atelier Aitken Six by six - modular home Residential / Residential Architecture
Red Architecture, Carmel Van Der Hoeven Artist Block Party Colour Award Spatial
WSP Architecture Te Horo Kilns Redevelopment Repurposed Spaces/ Adaptive Reuse / Up to 150 square metres
Nakatomi Prologue by NIDA Large Brand Identity / Cultural
Extended Whānau Rewi: Āta haere, kia tere Editorial and Books
Satellite, Scott Parker Creative Energy Machine for the Te Puawānanga Science and Technology Centre Installation & Exhibition
Leuschke Group Architects Victoria Lane Residential / Residential Architecture
Field of Play Vollē Golf Evolution Design Communication
COMMON Ltd One One Two Residential / Residential Architecture
Social Good Award Judge 2024 Andre Afamasaga Lived Experience Leadership
Johnstone Callaghan Architects The Studio Residential / Residential Architecture
WOODS Agency Henlee Packaging / Boutique
Studio South Nathan Haines Design Communication
CHEP Network, Think Packaging , Finch , Heckler Samsung Super Design Communication
SemiCreative Grizzly Baked Goods Colour Award Spatial
Extended Whānau, Angus Muir Design Te Mātahi o te Tau Lighting Design
Treology Weave Credenza Furniture
Mark Frazerhurst Architects Mark Frazerhurst Architects Studio Workplace Environments / Up to 200 square metres
The Tuesday Club, Blackwell & Ruth The Seduction of the Honeybee Editorial and Books
Angus Muir Design Connection Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Johnstone Callaghan Architects Doubles Colour Award Spatial
Meg Rollandi Gravity & Grace Exhibition & Temporary Structures
4AM Ayrburn Wine Packaging / Boutique, MAUD Prospect House Colour Award Spatial
Barrie Connor Design Seymour House Residential / Residential Interiors
Extended Whānau He Aka Ka Toro Design Communication
Studio South Moustache Packaging / Boutique
Forge Creative Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities (BBHTC) He Kāinga Whakamana Tangata, Whakamana Taiao Toitanga
Klein Architects Hillmorton Specialist Mental Health Services, Christchurch Healthcare & Wellbeing / Over $10 million
Stufkens + Chambers Architects House On a Hill Residential / Residential Architecture
Value of Design Award Judge 2024 Vaughan Schwass Fisher & Paykel Appliances
FCB New Zealand, SweetShop Hard Lessons Filmed Videos (was Cinematography & Editing)
Colenso BBDO Pīkari Mai Design Craft / Illustration
Thinkerbell, Gyro Constructivists Slay to Pay Designed Objects
Contain Design Studio 12 Days of Gifting Structural Packaging
DDB Group Aotearoa NZ VW Greenprint Small Scale Websites
Designgroup Stapleton Elliott TSA Management Auckland Office Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
Contain Design Studio, Studio Wilson 12 Days of Gifting Self Promotion
Field of Play Air New Zealand 'Passage' Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery
Warren and Mahoney Architects, Warren and Mahoney in association with Techne Advieh Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
True Limited, Moves , Octave FletcherTech Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Monolith, Special Group Special Gothic Design Craft / Typography
Insight Creative Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra Interative Motion Design & Animation
Inklab Craft + Design Canberra Large Brand Identity / Cultural
Homewerk x Sarah Stuart Architecture, Sarah Stuart Architecture Homewerk Small Home Double Residential / Residential Architecture
Meg Rollandi, NZPQ NZPQ23 Ka emiemi Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Waxeye Kauri Po Kaitiaki Social Good Award
MODE Te Mātāwai Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Public Development - over $10 million
Studio 024™ Big Little Campers Small Brand Identity / Commercial
ZURU Edge Being Packaging / FMCG
Knight Associates Ltd., Sonja Hawkins Design Gilt Brasserie Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Product Judge 2024 Greig Brebner Blunt
Studio 11:11 Grey Roasting Co. Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Woolkin Saving our Kiwi Social Good Award
RUN Manaaki Law Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Boffa Miskell Hāngī Pits and Kai Space at Whānau Ātea Toitanga
Unispace Entain Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Base Design 2024 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art: Inner Sanctum Small Brand Identity / Cultural
Mike Davison, Studio Nash Bluff Gin Packaging / Boutique
Sons & Co., Garbett Garbett Studio Small Scale Websites
Stanley St Auckland Philharmonia – Moving Music Large Brand Identity / Cultural
Studio South CUB Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Bastion Shine Skills Alley Environmental Graphics
ThoughtFull, ThoughtFull Pathfinder Brand Transformation Small Brand Identity / Commercial
TASKA Prosthetics CX Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand Consumer
Paloma HUD Digital Products
ZURU Edge Business Litter Design Communication
Toulouse Ltd Hobbiton™ The Movie Set Lighting Design
Daylight Growing Up in NZ - The 6,000s Design Communication
MWDesign Nuku Pewapewa Pou Toitanga
Universal Favourite When Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Daylight Pacific Media Network - PMN IS US Colour Award Graphics
Moving Image Judge 2024 Andrew Newland Toybox
The Wonder Group Halcyon HQ Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
WOODS Agency Henlee Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Alt Group Good Sh*t Soda Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Raw Concrete Design Rotoiti Bath Furniture
Field of Play Air New Zealand 'Passage' Environmental Graphics
misterwolf Squiggla Playbook Business Communication
Daylight Pacific Media Network - PMN IS US Large Scale Websites
Curative Canteen Aotearoa Design Communication
Designgroup Stapleton Elliott Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency National Premises Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Woolkin Lucky & Chick™ Designed Objects
Coffee Supreme Ltd Coffee Supreme Open Sesame Self Promotion
LandLAB Wai Horotiu Queen Street Enhancements Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Outdoor Spaces - Over $2 million
Re, KC Productions , Kat Borchart , Michael Precel ROLUS Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Satellites Satellites Small Brand Identity / Cultural
Daymark Lodge Large Brand Identity / Commercial
FCB New Zealand, Retail Dimension Four Square Scooptopia Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Stanley St, Film Three Sixty Citizens Advice Bureau – Advice Auctions Design Craft / Typography
Keshaw McArthur Simon James Showroom & Office Repurposed Spaces/ Adaptive Reuse / Over 150 square metres
Wordshop, DMC Art Philip Trusttum Art Takeover Exhibition & Temporary Structures
studio john irving tractor house Residential / Residential Architecture
Spatial Judge 2024 Finn Scott Bossley Architects
Houston PCYC Rebrand Large Brand Identity / Cultural
Uncommon Studio Uncommon website Small Scale Websites
Warren and Mahoney Architects Marlborough District Library and Art Gallery | Te Kahu o Waipuna Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Public Development - over $10 million
Design Dairy Body Island / Motu Tinana Small Brand Identity / Cultural
MWDesign Kuki Reka Kani (Manu Set) Designed Objects
Kowtow Clothing Goodbye Plastic, Sincerely Design Communication
Andrew Barrie Lab, Josh Bovill , Batchelar McDougall Consulting Summerhill Whare Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Outdoor Spaces - up to $200,000
Velobike Innovation Altias Sprint Handlebars Consumer
Wingates Anthony Harper Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Darling on Drake Darling on Drake Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Homewerk x Sarah Stuart Architecture, Sarah Stuart Architecture Homewerk Small Home Double Colour Award Spatial
X Studio Architects Kotare Rise Residential / Residential Architecture
Designwell Dynamo6 Colour Award Spatial
ZURU Edge Goodlands Packaging / FMCG
Monolith, Designworks Wickliffe Type Family Design Craft / Typography
Field of Play Vollē Golf Evolution Packaging / Boutique
Threefold Architecture Threefold Studio Workplace Environments / Up to 200 square metres
Universal Favourite The Dinner Ladies E-Commerce Websites (new 2024)
Daymark Folk Packaging / Boutique
Ira, Made by South Celebrating A Uniquely Tainui Waka Kōrero Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Toitanga Judge 2024 Whare Timu Warren & Mahoney Architects
Tom Mark Henry West End Residence Residential / Residential Interiors
Universal Favourite Wholesome Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Studio DB, TOA Architects Whiti Ora | Starship Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
ZURU Edge Rascals Value of Design
National Gallery of Victoria Melbourne Now 2023 Editorial and Books
Daymark St. Peter's School Cambridge Small Brand Identity / Cultural
Edwards White Architects Limited The Garden Room Residential / Residential Interior Architecture
Daylight The World Health Organization - The Delivery Digital Campaigns
IZZARD Design Waiheke Whisky Distillery and Brewery Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Tohu Studio Matariki - Pāua Pie Box Self Promotion
Thinkerbell, Gyro Constructivists Slay to Pay Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Simplify and Amplify The Treasure Box Colour Award Spatial
Crosson Architects Resonant House Residential / Residential Architecture
Gladeye Sweetshop Large Scale Websites
ThoughtFull, ThoughtFull TAB Brand Transformation Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Unispace Meridian Energy Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
4AM Hydroflow Large Brand Identity / Commercial
True Limited, Calibrate ATR Website Large Scale Websites
Elise Cautley, Claire Ford, Jennifer Gao Femme-ly Velues Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT), Scott Parker Creative Te Puawānanga Science and Technology Centre Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Product Convenor 2024 Jesse Keith, PDINZ Vivid Origin
Studio South Colab Small Brand Identity / Commercial
SemiCreative, Fabric Studio Dental Colour Award Spatial
Colenso BBDO BNZ Aurora Colour Award Graphics
Federation Steely Stan Design Craft / Illustration
Milk BLUNT Value of Design
Hierarchy Group 'Punawai Ora' Roxburgh Community Pool Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Private Development - Up to $3 million
Principals Poronui Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Warren and Mahoney Architects, Warren and Mahoney in association with Space Studio Te Arikinui Pullman Hotel Hospitality / Accommodation - lodges, spas, retreats, hotels, motels
Keshaw McArthur Simon James Showroom & Office Retail Environments / Over 150 square metres
Journey Resident App | Hyper Accessible Design. Digital Products
Designworks Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Warren and Mahoney Architects Callaghan Innovation Environmental Graphics
LandLAB, DIDP Project Team , Kahui Kaiarataki Quay Street Enhancements Private, Public and Institutional Spaces / Outdoor Spaces - Over $2 million
Federation, Toybox Post & Animation Mission Electric - Transparent Bus Wrap Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery
ZURU Edge Châlon Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Prettybig One of a Kind sticks Consumer
Hula Fonterra Climate Roadmap Business Communication
Locales He Ara Kotahi, Hei Ara Kōrero Small Scale Websites
Sons & Co. Warren and Mahoney Large Scale Websites
Satellites Satellites Large Scale Websites
Digital Judge 2024 Sonya Milford (Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa, Safotu Savai’i ma Sogi Apia, Samoa) ColensoBBDO
Jasmax B201, University of Auckland | Waipapa Taumata Rau Repurposed Spaces/ Adaptive Reuse / Over 150 square metres
Space Studio Kohimarama Residence Residential / Residential Interiors
Monolith Tobler Cyrillic Design Craft / Typography
Sons & Co. Stools & Co. Small Scale Websites
Tom Mark Henry Bream Creek Vineyard Retail Environments / Up to 150 square metres
Studio Pacific Architecture Park House Residential / Residential Architecture
Curative Protect Your Breath - Later Vaper Arcade Social Good Award
Construkt Architects Moroki Residential / Residential Architecture
Invenco Group Ltd A2-09 Outdoor Payment Terminal Non-Consumer
Woolkin Boulder™ – the natural dump truck that's bolder Sustainable Product Design (SPD)
Contain Design Studio Spicers & Direct Paper Packaging Promotion Structural Packaging
Dorrington Atcheson Architects Kingfisher Residential / Residential Architecture
Not Another™ Daily Te Reo Māori Slack App Social Good Award
Journey Auckland Rugby League | Playleague Large Scale Websites
PAKU Pū Rākau Toitanga
Daylight Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge - Tohorā Digital Products
RUN Mangapai Olives Packaging Packaging / Boutique
Ira Te Taurapa Toitanga
Studio Almond Acorn Furniture E-Commerce Websites (new 2024)
Alt Group AGI Aotearoa New Zealand 2023 Design Communication
Value of Design Award Judge 2024 Kate Bezar Better Packaging Co
ZURU Edge Being Social Good Award
Crestline Furniture Systems, PLN Group Kōwhai Seating Furniture
Special Group Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa Social Good Award
Daylight Safeswim Social Good Award
Werk Daeli Packaging / Boutique
FCB New Zealand, 3&7 Safer Vehicles Filmed Videos (was Cinematography & Editing)
The Village Goldsmith Designed Object: The Village Goldsmith Floeting® Diamond Signet Ring Designed Objects
Mackay Boats Mackay Bieker Moth Consumer
BREMWORTH Galet Textile
misterwolf Squiggla Small Scale Websites
Vivid Origin Mindfull Spaces Furniture
Thinkerbell, Reel Factory Blunt – Engineering Joy Motion Design & Animation
Grin Natural, Colab Projects , Space For Britomart Brushing Bar Retail Environments / Up to 150 square metres
4AM Fox Group Colour Award Graphics
Warren and Mahoney Architects isite Retail Environments / Over 150 square metres
Houston ID Know Yourself Colour Award Graphics
Blender Huski Elevated Stemware Range Consumer
Kit Carlier Design Escape 33 Concept/Experimental
McCarthy Middlehurst Station Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Unispace Unispace Wellington Colour Award Spatial
Product Judge 2024 Tim Webber, PDINZ Tim Webber Design
The Cobbler Hotel The Cobbler Hotel Hospitality / Accommodation - lodges, spas, retreats, hotels, motels
Concoction Better Bricks Self Promotion
4AM The Manure Room Design Craft / Illustration
Laidlaw College Narrative Design & Exhibition Environmental Graphics
Special Group Shift20 Initiative Social Good Award
ED. Christopher Ireland Small Scale Websites
RM Designs Peke Waihanga – New Zealand Artificial Limb Service (NZALS) Healthcare & Wellbeing / Between $3 and $10 million
McCarthy Salt Colour Award Graphics
Nic Owen Architects Textured Bach Residential / Residential Interior Architecture
Milk Asona Large Brand Identity / Commercial
The Dowse Art Museum Magic Wands & Golden Skulls Editorial and Books
Werk Willis Lane Large Brand Identity / Commercial
McCarthy Salt Small Brand Identity / Commercial
journaldd Kava Bowl Designed Objects
Alt Group Pacific Arts Aotearoa Editorial and Books
Designwell, Edwards White Architects , Stark Property MADE Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Studio South Aalto Packaging / FMCG
Extended Whānau He Aka Ka Toro Design Craft / Photography
Unordinary rova Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Stanley St, Film Three Sixty Taco Bell – Cheesy, Crunchy, Spicy, Fresh Design Communication
Digital Judge 2024 Michael Cannon, DINZ Gladeye
Insight Creative Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra Large Scale Websites
Space Studio Main St Residence Residential / Residential Interiors
Daylight The World Health Organization - The Delivery Large Scale Websites
Houston ID Know Yourself Small Brand Identity / Cultural
Four Walls Architecture Ltd Herne Bay Apartment Residential / Residential Interior Architecture
Maynard Te Mātāwai Environmental Graphics
Storybox DE-STRESS with Hnry Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Space Studio, Ignite Architects Arvida Te Puna Waiora Healthcare & Wellbeing / Between $3 and $10 million
Daylight Pacific Media Network - PMN IS US Social Good Award
Custance, Fisher Partners Deloitte, 1 Queen Street, Auckland Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
DDB Group Aotearoa NZ Blue - ANZ Bank New Zealand Design Communication
Three Sixty Architecture RHR House Residential / Residential Architecture
Thinkerbell, Reel Factory Blunt – Engineering Joy Filmed Videos (was Cinematography & Editing)
Alt Group A Holes Self Promotion
Autex Acoustics SpinFix™ Mounting System Sustainable Product Design (SPD)
Thinkerbell, Reel Factory Blunt – Engineering Joy Sound Design & Composition / Commercial
Daymark Pepler's Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Prettybig One of a Kind sticks Sustainable Product Design (SPD)
Simone van der Plas PDINZ Rakau Rd Harbour Haven Kitchen Residential / Residential Interiors
FINE Insight Small Scale Websites
Value of Design Award Judge 2024 Jeremy Moon Animals Like Us
Designgroup Stapleton Elliott Te Kāhui Tiki Tangata - Human Rights Commission Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
Swear Words Zoncello Limoncello Spritz Packaging / FMCG
Semibold Finders & Keepers Colour Award Graphics
Tip Top Design Studio, The Key Branding Kāpiti Ice Cream Packaging / FMCG
Nakatomi Prologue by NIDA Packaging / Boutique
Toben McGrath Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Story Inc, Studio Cassells Ltd, Australian Museum Burra Learning Space Exhibition & Temporary Structures
ZURU Edge Osāna Naturals Packaging / FMCG
Gladeye The Examination Large Scale Websites
ED. Gus Small Scale Websites
Great Journeys New Zealand, Designworks Great Journeys New Zealand Spatial Design Communication
DNA WellingtonNZ Large Scale Websites
Velobike Innovation Skat Endurance Handlebars Consumer
Dow Goodfolk Bad Baker Packaging / FMCG
Daylight Safeswim Digital Products
Grafik, Motion Sickness Motion Sickness Small Scale Websites
Vivid Origin Mindfull Spaces Social Good Award
KYT Bags KYT Consumer
DDMMYY, Klim Type Foundry American Grotesk Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery
Journey Resident App | Design Solutions that Enhance Lives Value of Design
Graphic Convenor 2024 Tyrone Ohia, FDINZ (Ngāti Pukenga, Ngāi te Rangi) Extended Whānau
Field of Play Porter James Sports Design Craft / Typography
Thinkerbell, Gyro Constructivists Slay to Pay Installation & Exhibition
Three Sixty Architecture Simple Machines Workplace Environments / Between 200 and 1000 square metres
Johnstone Callaghan Architects Split Hip Residential / Residential Architecture
Warren and Mahoney Architects KPMG Wellington Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Stack Interiors Special Group Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Warren and Mahoney Architects Precinct Properties Workplace Environments / Over 1000 square metres
Henry Caird, ODDTHING Wiggle Wall Hanger Designed Objects
Previously Unavailable Taxi Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Smudge Digital Notebook App Digital Products
Onfire Design Ltd Rolling Meadow Design Craft / Illustration
One Design Drylands Packaging / FMCG
Curative Protect Your Breath - Connect to Hā Toitanga
Bright Sunday We Were Always Social Good Award
Studio Almond Hana E-Commerce Websites (new 2024)
Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki Light from Tate: 1700s to Now Colour Award Graphics
SemiCreative Paddy's Pad Residential / Residential Interior Architecture, MAUD Prospect House Residential / Residential Interiors
misterwolf Squiggla Playbook Editorial and Books
Curative Protect Your Breath - Connect to Hā Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery
Spatial Judge 2024 Ethan Reid Landlab
Outside In Forest Wall® Designed Objects
Colenso BBDO Pīkari Mai Design Craft / Typography
Stitchbird Waiaroha - Heretaunga Water Discovery Centre Exhibition & Temporary Structures
Colenso BBDO Scattergun: After the death of Rūaumoko Filmed Videos (was Cinematography & Editing)
ZURU Edge, Studio Select No Bad Mondays Digital Campaigns
Field of Play Air New Zealand 'Passage' Installation & Exhibition
Leuschke Group Architects 292-300 Karangahape Road Repurposed Spaces/ Adaptive Reuse / Over 150 square metres
Studio Semaphore T3 Collingwood Environmental Graphics
ThoughtFull, ThoughtFull Pathfinder Brand Transformation Value of Design
Mike Davison, Studio Nash Bluff Gin Structural Packaging
ZURU Edge Being Large Brand Identity / Commercial
Idyllic Pukekura — The Parade Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Colenso BBDO Delivereasy Design Communication
RUN Māori Kiwifruit Growers Toitanga
Universal Favourite The Dinner Ladies Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Ockham Residential The Greenhouse Residential / Residential Architecture
Semibold Finders & Keepers Small Brand Identity / Commercial
Millé Mibo Bakery Hospitality / Food and Beverage - bars, cafes, restaurants
Special Group, Special PR KFC Gravy Train Design Communication
Space Studio Te Arikinui Pullman Auckland Airport Lighting Design
Value of Design Award Judge 2024 Simon Endres
Woolkin Saving our Kiwi Sustainable Product Design (SPD)
Make Believe Year of the Dragon Design Craft / Illustration
StudioStudio + Erini Compton, StudioStudio , Erini Compton Sebastian Negri Colour Award Spatial
FINE FINE WINE Self Promotion
Annick Harvey, Alyx Rangihaeata Sprout Squad Massey University College of Creative Arts — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Tanya Marriott The Underfoot Massey University College of Creative Arts — Product / Academics - PHD and Masters
Michael Berman BrainSafe Sideline Scanner Massey University College of Creative Arts — Product / Year Four
Briea Bentham Briea Bentham Whitecliffe College of Arts & Design — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Niamh Beattie Woolstem AUT Art + Design — Product / Year Two
Jordan Tane, Tomairangi Morgan Tō Mātou Kāinga, Tō Mātou Ūkaipō AUT Art + Design — Toitanga / Academics - PHD and Masters
Olivia Howe Girls Like Me: A Guide to Female Reproductive Wellness. Media Design School — Social Good Award
Finn Mora-Hill Data Entry Massey University College of Creative Arts — Product / Year Four
Brittany Gray, Harriet Eglinton, Saskia Cole, Holly Bartlett Beat the Binge Media Design School — Digital
Abby Fox Rhythm of Place Massey University College of Creative Arts — Spatial / Year Four
Holly Craig Be Picky AUT Art + Design — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Briea Bentham, James Parker GD23 Whitecliffe — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Evie Noad Living Campus seed library packaging Otago Polytechnic Te Pukenga — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Finn de Hamel, Grayson Scadden, Jordan Iremonger REM Massey University — Product / Year Four
Trista Bailey, Mika Chang, Nadine Gouws Papakāinga for Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa: A Model of Intergenerational Living University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Two
Catherine Pascual Magnetise AUT Art + Design — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Value of Design Award Judge 2024 Duncan Shand, FDINZ & Noel Blackwell, FDINZ YoungShand & LIKEMINDS
Sophie Williamson Cairn AUT Art + Design — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Grace Costello Midtown Type AUT Art + Design — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Alessandra Mayo Gutter Art AUT Art + Design — Spatial / Year Three
Yujie Weng, Ken Chen, Yinqi Xia Te Ara o Te Hononga - The Flow of Connection University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Two
Fernando Restivo, Tarquin Logan, Luke Nicklin, Kathy Park Hanga tō Ara’ Media Design School — Digital
Karl Poland architechur bro*: An Academic Architecture on Auckland's Queens Wharf University of Auckland — Spatial / Academics - PHD and Masters
Geonhee Park Homo-Cellular University of Auckland, School of Architecture and Planning; Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences; and Centre for E-Rsearch — Spatial / Year Five
Piper Van Rinsveldt Toe Bean Botany Massey University College of Creative Arts — Digital
George Philp Leg-Up Massey University College of Creative Arts — Product / Year Four
Cleo Copplestone Wordsearch Massey University College of Creative Arts — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Janella Paloso Tronicwaste AUT Art + Design — Social Good Award
Claudia Munro The Labour of Emotions, The Emotion of Textiles Massey University College of Creative Arts — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Kayla Barbour Enpower Ara Institute of Canterbury — Digital
Jannisa Seck Illustrating Pain: Communicating the Chronic Pain Experience AUT Art + Design — Social Good Award
Kimiora Whaanga He tātai arorangi Massey University College of Creative Arts — Toitanga / Student (Under graduate)
Adam Kan, Bella Carvell-Coles, Cameron McLeod, Cameron Murray, Cole Anderson, Corey Matheson, Enzo Gordon, Ian Smith, Jack Johansson, Joel Martin, Joji Dell, Josh Henshaw, Kaiyu Li, Karson Burns, Mae Rose-Wills, Mark Morris, Megan Uttley, Rebbeca McCulloch, Ruby Keegan, Rupert Shepherd, Sarina Oetgen, Theo Jones, Will Hadfield Tei Massey University College of Creative Arts — Product / Year Three
Ed Clayton Water Clarity Sensor University of Auckland — Social Good Award
Johanna Rico Kancil and Tiger AUT Art + Design — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Ella Madsen Brough Lumen AUT Art + Design — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Qian Shen Angel AUT Art + Design — Moving Image
Toitanga Navigator 2024 Nick Dalton (Te Arawa, Ngai Tūhoe, Tu Wharetoa) TOA
Hansika Tiyyagura A Frame Through Nature AUT Art + Design — Moving Image
Salem McKay Tuakiri. Media Design School — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Kirsty Leggett DesignHer+ Media Design School — Digital
Matthew Pritchard Tapestries of Mulivaifagatola - Legislative Fono + Emergency Shelter University of Auckland — Spatial / Year Three
Otis Hungerford barcodes: scanning the lines Massey University College of Creative Arts — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Omea Hall Coronet Peak Spa Dunedin School of Architecture — Spatial / Year Three
Hannah Inez Alcoba Virtual EcoCollect (VEC) AUT Art + Design — Digital
Jamie Logie Fringe House: Rescripting Placeless Design in the Foothills of Waitākere Unitec School of Architecture — Spatial / Year Five
Jessica Micallef Tangible Interaction Victoria University of Wellington, School of Architecture — Spatial / Academics - PHD and Masters
Kyra Jensen The Quirks of Mapmakers Massey University College of Creative Arts — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Myah McQuay The Mighty Bite Massey University College of Creative Arts — Social Good Award
Eden Rose-Yon The Intermission Dunedin School of Architecture — Spatial / Year Three
Georgia Pope Ephemeral Vines Dunedin School of Architecture — Spatial / Year Four
Hugo Tucker Elevate AUT Art + Design — Product / Year Two
Samuel Ames Piwakawaka - Brand Identity Ara Institute of Canterbury — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Sophie West Arla Massey University College of Creative Arts — Product / Year Four
Karen Li Cubipet AUT Art + Design — Digital
Kate Jowsey The Manaaki Basket Massey University College of Creative Arts — Spatial / Year Four
Kimiora Whaanga He tātai arorangi Massey University College of Creative Arts — Digital
Zara Cook Inside Scoop Massey University College of Creative Arts — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Graphic Judge 2024 Natasha Vermeulen DDMMYY
Leonardo James Kura Tawhiti, Up Close Ara Institute of Canterbury — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Nathan Beetge Understanding Experiences: A Chronic Pain Toolkit AUT Art + Design — Social Good Award
AUT Art + Design Company of Silence AUT Art + Design — Spatial / Year Two
Nero Asher, Cosmo Conway, Tom Creswell, Finn de Hamel, Nick Douglas, Will Duffy, Cass Everard, Mack Hobbs, Jordan Iremonger, Francis Le Mesurier, Joep Lenior, Kate Mills, Danny O'sullivan, Toka Poa, Lynn Resksawade, Grayson Scadden, Piper Sercombe, August Short, Zoe Smith, Kelepi Tapealava, Cam Thompson, Le Phan Viet Vu, Miriama Wheeler, Riley Winiata, Peter Zlatkov LUNE Massey University College of Creative Arts — Product / Year Three
Libby Marr Embracing Imperfections AUT Art + Design — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Sarah-Jane Seddon, Keely Wilson HandTalk Massey University College of Creative Arts — Digital
Emily Selfe Golden Trigger Massey University College of Creative Arts — Graphic / Student (Under graduate)
Emma Smith Align Media Design School — Social Good Award
Frances Ryder Frances Ryder AUT Art + Design — Digital
Charlotte Bruin Attunement Massey University College of Creative Arts — Spatial / Year Four
Ian Di Fiore Pokerbot AUT Art + Design — Moving Image
Renier Manalili Pangako Ko (My Promise) AUT Art + Design — Social Good Award