Social Good Award
Social Good Award

Vivid Origin Mindfull Spaces Social Good Award

Not Another™ Daily Te Reo Māori Slack App Social Good Award

kingi/CRITICAL, Megan Bardsley kingi board Social Good Award

Colenso BBDO Pīkari Mai Social Good Award

Curative Protect Your Breath - Later Vaper Arcade Social Good Award

Daylight The World Health Organization- The Delivery Social Good Award

Locales He Ara Kotahi, Hei Ara Kōrero Social Good Award

IDIA Te Whainga o te Mārama Social Good Award

Daylight Pacific Media Network - PMN IS US Social Good Award

Special Group Shift20 Initiative Social Good Award

Design by Twig A Hug So Tight Social Good Award

RUSH UNICEF Aotearoa Website Social Good Award

Collab: Henry Glogau & Aleksander Kongshaug Resource Autonomy Social Good Award

Woolkin Saving our Kiwi Social Good Award

Marx Design Thankyou Reimagined Social Good Award

Bright Sunday We Were Always Social Good Award

Imagic Creative Agency Science Alive Website and Education Portal Social Good Award

Waxeye Kauri Po Kaitiaki Social Good Award

Special Group Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa Social Good Award

Curative The Hive Social Good Award

Journey Resident App | Designing for the Overlooked User Social Good Award

Daylight Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge - Tohorā Social Good Award

Daylight Red Frogs - Send it Safely Social Good Award

Daylight Safeswim Social Good Award

Swear Words Sungai Design Social Good Award

Toi Āria: Design for Public Good, Massey University Te Pae Hononga — Whaanau Connected Social Good Award

CHEP Network, Finch , Assembly , Sonar Music Light Years from Home Social Good Award

ZURU Edge Being Social Good Award