Special Group 2 Shift20 Initiative

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
    Peter Cvetkovski, Adam Ferrie
  • Pou Rautaki / Strategic Lead
    Bec Stambanis
  • Pou Taketake / Cultural Lead
    Dylan Alcott
  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
    Adam Shear, Bella Plush
  • Kaituhi Matua / Copywriter Lead
    Shaun McFarlane
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Felicity Touzeau, Ryan Fitzgerald, Tom Martin, Julian Schreiber
  • Kaitautoko / Contributor
    Cameron Morris

From conception, the Shift 20 Initiative was co-designed with people living disability, to ensure their lived experiences and needs were placed at the very centre. By focusing on inclusivity, representation and accessibility, the project has significantly enhanced the lives of individuals with disabilities, helping to bridge the representation gap among major Australian brands. 
Through promoting awareness and advocating for systemic change, the initiative contributes to a more equitable portrayal of marginalised communities, urging brands to embrace internal policy changes to represent diversity authentically. This approach not only builds credibility and increases brand value and desirability, but also strengthens connections with a broader audience by fostering trust and resonance with diverse communities. 
By championing, prioritising and empowering inclusivity, representation and accessibility for people with disability in marketing and communications strategies, the initiatives policy design demonstrates a thoughtful and impactful approach that aligns with contemporary values of social responsibility and inclusion.
The initiative has intentionally been designed as an open-source, collaborative policy platform to be embraced and enhanced by all participating brands, agencies and organisations as new developments in knowledge and industry best practice continue to develop in regards to disability representation.

The impact of The Shift 20 Initiative in its first year alone is testament to the long-term impact it will have for years to come - as it works collectively with brands to achieve accurate representation of people with disability in advertising, and society at large. Becoming an avenue with clear actions, tools and guidance to not only help normalise disability in our daily lives, but also help those living with disability be no longer seen as ‘other’. 

The launch year’s impact, led by the 13 partnering brands, raised crucial awareness of the need for a systemic shift in disability representation leading to 200+ brands, organisations and agencies reaching out to get involved - a number which continues to climb.

The Shift 20 Initiative will continue making impact into the future with ongoing education, partnerships and collaborations with brands.