Blender 29 Bovonic Quadsense
Pou Rautaki / Strategic Lead
Liam Kampshof
Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
Oliver McDermott
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Tiger Guo, Gordon Robinson, Greg Storey -

Bovonic Quadsense is a revolutionary device designed to address one of the most costly and widespread issues in the dairy farming industry: mastitis. This disease, caused by bacteria infecting the cow’s udder tissue, significantly reduces milk production and incurs substantial treatment costs, averaging $50,000 annually per farm in New Zealand. Traditional manual screening methods for detecting mastitis are slow, inaccurate, and highly dependent on the skill of the milker, often resulting in missed cases that escalate into more severe problems.
Bovonic Quadsense aims to transform mastitis detection by offering an automatic, instant, and precise solution. The device integrates seamlessly into existing milking systems, utilising four patented milk sensors placed in the liners of the milking cups. These sensors connect to a control unit containing the ‘brains’ of QuadSense, complete with replaceable batteries, a button for acknowledging alerts, and a 360-degree alert light. As soon as the milking cups are applied, QuadSense starts measuring milk and delivers results within a minute, detecting changes in electrical resistance that indicate potential infection.
The key features of QuadSense include its accuracy, automation, and ease of use. By analysing milk from each quarter of the udder separately, the device achieves greater precision than other in-line mastitis detectors. The automated detection process eliminates the need for time-consuming manual inspections such as herd stripping or the California Mastitis Test (CMT), thereby saving farmers significant labour hours. The intuitive red-light alert system ensures that even those with minimal training can quickly identify mastitis cases, making the device exceptionally user-friendly.
QuadSense also stands out for its durability and practical design, which are crucial for the harsh environment of a milking shed. The device’s robust construction ensures it can withstand daily use. The universal design allows for self-installation into any dairy operation, ensuring that farmers can seamlessly integrate QuadSense into their existing workflows without needing extensive modifications or additional training.
Bovonic Quadsense is a groundbreaking tool that combines technical innovation with practical design, addressing a critical need in the dairy farming industry. By providing accurate, instant, and user-friendly mastitis detection, QuadSense helps farmers reduce costs, save labour hours, and improve herd health. This revolutionary device sets a new standard for agricultural technology, contributing to more sustainable and efficient farming practices. QuadSense is poised to make a significant impact on dairy farming both in New Zealand and globally.
Judge's comments:
The judges praised the clever blend of a highly functional design language and cutting-edge technology, resulting in a game-changing product poised for the global market. Significant thought has been given to how this system integrates with and complements existing practices, reflecting a thorough usability study that supports the seamless adoption of new technologies in a long established industry.