
Studio Well Adventure Whare Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Nott Architects, N/A Rammed Earth House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Ockham Residential Aroha Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Seear-Budd Ross RK Residence Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Seear-Budd Ross Upper Watt Residence Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Warren and Mahoney Architects FLOCKHILL Homestead Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

vaughn mcquarrie ltd Bird/Seed House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Crosson Architects Jewellery Box Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Piers Kay Skelton Studio House Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential

Condon Scott Architects Bendigo Terrace Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Case Ornsby Architecture Echt Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Red Architecture North Point Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Knight Associates Ltd. Parklane apartment Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential

Rogan Nash Architects Ltd Sunny Side Up Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential

MAUD Shift House Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential

Space Studio Vunabaka Residence IV Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design

Stufkens+Chambers Architects Riverbank Quarter Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Mark Frazerhurst Architects Angle Grinder Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Ockham Residential Koa Flats Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Ockham Residential Star Newton / The Nix Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Linetype Architectural Spotswoods Shed Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

matter Daniels Reef Lookout Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Abodo Wood Affordable Alpine Eco-Villas Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Johnstone Callaghan Architects Triptych Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Jose Gutierrez Ltd Light Catcher Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Jose Gutierrez Ltd Lucerne House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Barry Connor Design MODERN MID CENTURY Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential

Knight Associates Ltd. Windermere residence Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential

Material Creative Ltd Te Atatū Residence Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential

Rogan Nash Architects Ltd Home Sweet Home Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential