Design Craft

Dow Goodfolk Crombie Lockwood Kakapo Design Craft / Illustration

Round QICGRE— Orchestrating Living Ecosystems Design Craft / Illustration

Designworks Story of Steel Design Craft / Photography

Alt Group Fingers Design Craft / Photography

Studio South Aalto Brand Imagery Design Craft / Photography

Designworks Pepeha Display Design Craft / Typography

Seachange Worms Display Design Craft / Typography

Klim Type Foundry Heldane Design Craft / Typography

Re Sydney Design Festival 2019 Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery

Bailey Nelson Let Your Eyes Live! Design Craft / Illustration

Re OneVentures Design Craft / Illustration

Big Boy Studio Kids Design Craft / Photography

Round M/FW — Creating a City of Dreams Design Craft / Photography

Clemenger BBDO Limited Belted Survivors Design Craft / Photography

Designworks Movio Typeface Design Craft / Typography

Klim Type Foundry Maelstrom Sans Design Craft / Typography

One to One Hundred On Point Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery

One to One Hundred XXXII Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery

Special Group Clinicians — Keep Your Body Working Design Craft / Illustration

Re CommBank Start Smart Design Craft / Illustration

Re Heritage Design Craft / Illustration

Motion Sickness Furf. Serious Petgear Design Craft / Photography

DDMMYY Lula Pace Campaign Design Craft / Photography

Houston, Sean Izzard , The Pool Collective Charles Sturt University Rebrand Design Craft / Photography

Alistair McCready Whitford Typeface Family Design Craft / Typography

For The People Forever West of Centre Manual Design Craft / Typography

The Designers Foundry Morion Typeface Design Craft / Typography

Ira Explore Tāmaki Makaurau Design Craft / Illustration

EightyOne Thinking Outside The Square Design Craft / Illustration

Landor, Marco Palmieri Petbarn Design Craft / Illustration

Special Group, Beck Wheeler Karma Cola — What goes around comes around. Design Craft / Illustration

Studio South Outline Design Craft / Illustration

Creature Team Trail Run Design Craft / Photography

Motion Sickness Stirling Sports - Our Heritage Design Craft / Photography

Motion Sickness Maggie Marilyn Sustainability Project Design Craft / Photography

Designworks VNZMA Design Craft / Photography

Alt Group Guerrilla Design Craft / Typography

Insight Creative NZ Superfund Typography Design Craft / Typography