Design Craft

Klim Type Foundry Domaine Design Craft / Typography

Alt Group Silo Theatre 2013 Season Campaign Design Craft / Art Direction

Alt Group The Engine Room Cookbook Design Craft / Art Direction

Alt Group New Zealand Opera Campaign Photography Design Craft / Art Direction

Special Group, Beck Wheeler Karma Cola Design Craft / Illustration

McCarthy, Laura Griffiths Retrace Design Craft / Illustration

Designworks Ora King Photography Design Craft / Photography

Designworks Air New Zealand Wordmark Design Craft / Typography

Avanti Design Technology Avanti Bikes 2014 Graphic Design Craft / Art Direction

Brandspank Jones! Design Craft / Art Direction

Special Group, James Stewart Gingerella Design Craft / Illustration

McCarthy NZ IceFest Design Craft / Illustration

Special Group Ecoya - Just Add Candlelight Design Craft / Photography

Creature Meridian Annual Report Photography 2012 Design Craft / Photography

Strategy Creative New Zealand Jazz & Blues Festival Design Craft / Typography

Designworks Sovereign Coin Font Design Craft / Typography

Made by Johnson Maori Alphabet Blocks Design Craft / Art Direction

Supply B&F Make Sense Design Craft / Art Direction

DNA World of Wearable Arts - Shell Sponsorship Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery

UnsworthShepherd One Green Bean Almanac Illustrations Design Craft / Illustration

Designworks Designworks Wellington Office Wall Artworks Design Craft / Illustration

FCB New Zealand SPINFLUENCE Design Craft / Illustration

Watermark Creative Listen Design Craft / Illustration

Watermark Creative Downton Abbey Illustrations Design Craft / Illustration

x+x Chapel Bar Windows Design Craft / Illustration

Strategy Creative Bay Leather catalog photography Design Craft / Photography

Special Group Ecoya - Peony Design Craft / Photography

DNA Opus Design Craft / Photography

Sons & Co. Portrait of a winemaking community Design Craft / Photography

Special Group, James Stewart Gingerella Design Craft / Typography

Strategy Creative Agile Hand Design Craft / Typography

Special Group, The Edge The Auckland Fringe Festival Design Craft / Typography

Studio Catherine Griffiths A Hillside Intervention Design Craft / Typography