Olivia Howe 2 Girls Like Me: A Guide to Female Reproductive Wellness.

  • Tauira / Student
    Olivia Howe
  • Kaiako / Lecturers
    Don Chooi, Tammie Leong, Jocelyn Janon
  • School
    Media Design School

A significant lack of basic anatomical knowledge among women is evident, with 44% unable to locate the vagina on a medical diagram and 60% unable to identify the vulva, according to a recent study. This knowledge gap raises concerns about women's ability to advocate for their healthcare needs, highlighting the importance of consistent sexual and reproductive education in schools. In New Zealand, the sexual education curriculum spans from year one to year ten, but its implementation varies due to teacher confidence and knowledge gaps. Addressing these issues and providing comprehensive, relatable female reproductive wellness and sexual education are crucial for improving reproductive health outcomes. By addressing female reproductive wellness and sexual health, "Girls Like Me" strives to eliminate taboos and shame around these topics, empowering young girls to advocate for their lifelong well-being. Available in both physical and digital formats, the guidebook ensures accessibility, positively impacting society, the environment, and the economy.

"Girls Like Me" could significantly impact the education sector by filling a market gap with a resource that is both relatable and personal. Growing up in a religious yet loving household with strict rules limited my freedom and hindered discussions on reproductive and sexual health, leaving gaps in my sexual education. I've filled these gaps through self-education and aim to share this knowledge with others. "Girls Like Me" addresses a personal void from my youth, promising a lasting impact. It is designed as an enduring resource, empowering young girls to advocate for their lifelong well-being and addressing a critical, underserved need in sexual education.

"Girls Like Me: A Guide to Reproductive Wellness" uses physical and digital formats to cater to diverse learning preferences. The physical resource pack and book offer an immersive learning experience, minimizing screen distractions and fostering in-person conversations. Printed on high-quality, recyclable paper, "Girls Like Me" demonstrates a commitment to environmental sustainability, partnering with print companies specializing in recycled, alternative fibre, and reclaimed papers. Addressing a significant need in the New Zealand school curriculum, "Girls Like Me" provides a modern and engaging resource. Its fresh design, relatable content, and bright illustrations ensure student engagement. This resource aims to reduce disparities in its implementation across secondary schools by catering to various learning styles—visual, written, and verbal.

This resource pack is designed for secondary schools to bridge the gap in delivering comprehensive and consistent education on female reproductive wellness and sexual health. This engaging resource aims to captivate the interest of female students. To ensure accessibility, an eBook version is available for schools unable to receive the physical pack, allowing teachers and students access to empowering information. This enables young girls to learn how to advocate for their reproductive wellness. Better-educated individuals are more likely to contribute positively to the economy over time through improved well-being. In summary, this project could reduce the lack of knowledge about reproductive wellness among women, diminish the taboos and stigmas surrounding this topic, and equip women with the tools and expertise to advocate for their lifelong reproductive well-being.