Brea Marsh C is for Coeliac Disease

  • Tauira / Student
    Brea Marsh
  • Kaiako / Lecturers
    Ant Nevin, Kerry Ann Lee, Annette O'Sullivan

I have created an educational toolkit called 'C is for Coeliac Disease' for children to help them understand coeliac disease better. The toolkit includes bright colours, illustrations, and age-appropriate language to provide a compelling and friendly way to educate children who have been newly diagnosed with coeliac disease. I created this resource based on my personal experience with the disease and insights from parents of children with coeliac disease. The toolkit consists of two books—one educational and one activity book—along with dishwasher-safe lunchbox stickers, a coeliac ‘club’ card, toys of the healthy and unhealthy villi characters, three promotional posters, and a matching water bottle and lunchbox. Each design decision was carefully chosen to appeal to children and promote a positive perception of coeliac disease. The goal of this toolkit is to support children through their diagnosis and emphasize the positives of managing the disease, using engaging visual elements and age-appropriate language.