Design Craft

Creature Small Fleet Campaign Design Craft / Illustration

Garbett Harvard Business Review Design Craft / Illustration

Alt Group Lumojo Photography Design Craft / Photography

McCarthy Sip & Scratch Design Craft / Illustration

Marx Design The True Honey Co Design Craft / Illustration

Alt Group Silo Theatre 2016 Design Craft / Photography

Scenario Communications Limited Iron Duke Partners Photography Design Craft / Photography

Studio South At Your Request Brand Imagery Design Craft / Photography

Special Group RNZB | 2016 Season Brochure Design Craft / Photography

Matthew Galloway Blue Oyster Poster Series Design Craft / Typography

Creature Don’t Hold Back Design Craft / Illustration

Colenso BBDO, Watermark Creative A Dog's Story Design Craft / Illustration

Wellington City Council - Creative Services Summer City 15/16 Design Craft / Illustration

Ogilvy World Masters Games Illustration Design Craft / Illustration

CELT Puanga Tangata Whenua Portraits Design Craft / Photography

Kid You Not Stuart O'Grady Cycling Design Craft / Typography

Strategy Creative Te Wānanga o Aotearoa – Uhi Brand Font Design Craft / Typography

Chrometoaster Game of Awesome Design Craft / Illustration

Chrometoaster Bluebridge 'Kids' campaign Design Craft / Illustration

For The People Streamtime Design Craft / Illustration

Gladeye Highline: America's Most Admired Lawbreaker Design Craft / Illustration

Creature Capture the Mechanics Design Craft / Photography

Cansino & Co, New Zealand Festival Kick up the Arts! - The 2016 New Zealand Festival campaign brand photography Design Craft / Photography

Special Group 2degrees | Huawei P9 Design Craft / Photography

Steve & Grant & James & Stewart 2016 NZ International Comedy Festival Design Craft / Typography

Insight Creative NZSO Season 2016 Design Craft / Typography

Ogilvy, Geometry Global Genuine Onetangi Sea Snake Design Craft / Typography

Ogilvy Schweppes Good & Proper Design Craft / Typography

Ogilvy Rebel #Teamspirit Design Craft / Typography