Design Craft

Y&R Design Blunt Umbrella Design Craft / Illustration

Alt Group New Zealand Opera La Traviata Design Craft / Photography

Colenso BBDO Back To Nature Design Craft / Illustration

Inhouse Seafarers/Ostro Design Craft / Illustration

Designworks NZSO Photography Design Craft / Photography

Alt Group Silo Theatre: Angels in America Design Craft / Photography

Klim Type Foundry Domaine Sans Family Design Craft / Typography

All Good Organics All Good & Sparkling Design Craft / Typography

DDMMYY Broods Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery

Special Group Garden to Table Design Craft / Illustration

Meanwhile... SoYo Design Craft / Illustration

Index THE FLORAL SHOW | LOCAL EXOTIC Design Craft / Photography

Designworks NZMP Brand Photography Design Craft / Photography

Interbrand, Kris Sowersby Wahoo Typeface Design Craft / Typography

Special Group Garden to Table Design Craft / Typography

Frost*collective City of Sydney Bike Posters Design Craft / Typography

Saatchi & Saatchi Design Worldwide Atamira Dance Company Design Craft / Typography

Clemenger BBDO Emoticons Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery

Special Group, All Good Organics Lemmy Lemonade Design Craft / Illustration

One Design Matua Lands & Legends Design Craft / Illustration

McCarthy Neat Places Design Craft / Illustration

Creature Scots College Design Craft / Photography

DNA Without Volunteers Photography Design Craft / Photography

Klim Type Foundry Maelstrom Design Craft / Typography

Klim Type Foundry Founders Grotesk Mono Design Craft / Typography

Saatchi & Saatchi Design Worldwide Auckland Theatre Company Design Craft / Typography