Value of Design Award
Barkers / Switch / AND Barkers
Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
Jamie Whiting, Chris Jones, Adrian Nancekivell
Kaitautoko / Contributors
Olivia Hemus, Kylee Trebilco, Alyssa Longville, Mabel Gong, William Odes, Stephen Tilley, Brandon Beattie, Duncan Grieve, Big Colour Imaging, Senior Construction, Brian Harris Quality Woodwork, Solutionists -
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Jamie Whiting, Paul Biddle, Glenn Cracknell, Chris Jones, Bevan Tonks, Adrian Nancekivell -

Judge's comments:
Barkers stunned the judges with comprehensive example of how Design can be integrated into the entire business to transform it.
Not only was Barkers that standout performance in this years awards, the judges notes that since the inception of the BEST EFFECT awards, Barkers have set a new benchmark for how Design can transform business performance.
The Barkers design journey covered a number of years where it re-designed every touchpoint in the organisation, from its supply chain, people and culture, and how customers connect to the business.
The result of this attention to detail and design has been a significant turnaround in the performance of the business by increased same-store turnover and profitability that is well in excess of its peer group of retailers.
Barkers need to be saluted for its outstanding results.