Digital Arts Network 2 ANZ - Banker Work Bench

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
    Luke Pittar, Che Tamahori
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Oszkar Nagy, Nigel McHardy, Cato Johnston, Winnie Sowerby
  • Kaitautoko / Contributors
    Mark Stevenson, Sachi Taulelei, Leanne Hampton, Dennise Currie, Sheree Moore
  • Client
    Patrick Murphy
Judge's comments:

This work is an example of design leading to a paradigm shift in the way bank staff operate, allowing the bank to save thousands of hours across their 5000+ staff across many day to day tasks. The project demonstrates the value of involving users in the design process and helped ANZ simplify the platform, create a single view of the customer and importantly shift staff focus off the technology and back onto delivering a more engaging service experience for customers.