Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei / Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Gibson International Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Auckland Council Te Wharekua: he mana tō, he mauri tū
Pou Auaha / Creative Director
Phil Wihongi -
Pou Rautaki / Strategic Leads
Izabela Joshi, Michael Ngatai -
Pou Taketake / Cultural Leads
Rob Pāora, Kingi Makoare
Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
Brett Tompkins, Ben Barraud -
Kaituhi Matua / Copywriter Leads
Jess Hiscox, Gary Scott
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Member
Diane Veitch -
Kaitautoko / Contributor
Graham Tipene
Standing at the edge of Waitematā Kupenga Rau, Te Wharekura authentically and creatively expresses the mana whenua, mana moana and mana tangata of iwi ahi-kā and tangata whenua for Tāmaki, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei (NWŌ). Bringing light, (k)new life, meaning and contemporary relevance to a simple heritage kiosk, Te Wharekura presents the vision of NWŌ, supported by Te Kaunihera O Tāmaki Makaurau and Gibson Group. In this, Te Wharekura embodies the spirit of Toitanga design – a celebration of unique whakapapa and artistic expression woven into a meaningful tapestry, a taonga literally in and of place. Te Wharekura is adorned and enriched by the mahi toi of ringatoi Graham Tipene, Hana Maihi, Jodi-Ann Warbrick, Leah Warbrick, Joanne Maihi and Kororia Witika.
The kaupapa was initiated through a kōrero rangatira between tribal and Te Kaunihera leaders. They identified an opportunity to collaborate meaningfully to elevate the mana and mauri of the 108-year-old kiosk. The partnership sought to transform a utilitarian shelter into an expression of the ahi-kā of NWŌ burning bright, clear and hot, and a place to understand the challenges and opportunities facing the taiao within Tāmaki. NWŌ shared kōrero, placing weight on the recognition and regeneration of the taiao, with a particular focus on Waitematā as taonga for all to appreciate, enjoy and support.
Tribal mātauranga was meshed with western knowledge to spark a design response imbued with respect and reverence. Te Wharekura doesn't merely showcase knowledge and contemporary practice; it invites visitors to create a deeper connection and understanding of Tāmaki. Interactive exhibits create opportunity for visitors to step into a world where culture, history and nature converge. The act of engaging with physical and digital taonga present bring deeper appreciation of the importance of active kaitiakitanga, a call to arms for visitors to become protectors of this place, Tāmaki.
Te Wharekura is more than bricks and mortar; it's a testament to the enduring spirit of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei. It stands as an open-armed and open-hearted welcome to all to learn, share, and be inspired by the rich tapestry of their heritage and their future.
As visitors leave Te Wharekura, they carry with them not just knowledge, but a deeper appreciation of NWŌ as tangata whenua and the ability of us all to act responsibly and respectfully and consider the mana and mauri of the taiao of Tāmaki. All are invited to become kaitiaki – guardians of this taonga for generations to come.
Ahakoa he iti, he kahurangi