Ira 23 Made by South Celebrating A Uniquely Tainui Waka Kōrero
Pou Auaha / Creative Director
Johnson McKay -
Pou Rautaki / Strategic Lead
Sarai Morris -
Pou Taketake / Cultural Lead
Jason Kereopa
Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
Storm Smith -
Kaituhi Matua / Copywriter Lead
Sarai Morris
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Malachi Mckay, Bhushan Purohit, Richard Pearson -
Kaitautoko / Contributors
Manawa Tapu (Tristan Marler), Vaughan Small, Sam Southwell -
Te Awa The Base

A cultural experience to help celebrate a uniquely Tainui Waka narrative about Matariki. The artwork entitled “Ko Matariki te Kairuuri” expresses the story of Matariki as the child of Tama-nui-te-rā, the sun and Te Raro, another name for Papatūānuku. Matariki is the “kairuuri”, the surveyor of the skies and guides the sun along its journey towards Hine Takurua (the winter solstice) to Hine Raumati (the summer solstice). She is in balance with her husband, Atutahi, who clears the way and ensures there are no impediments to her path. Her six children represent connections to the environment. The artwork features seven prominent mountains of the Tainui Waka region. Flowing through the centre of the piece is the Waikato river, a symbol of the lifeblood and cultural identity of Tainui Waka.
Those who interacted with the experience wove themselves stitch by stitch into the art, while representatives of Tainui Waka shared their story of Matariki. Tukutuku art is about a master and a learner passing the thread back and forth through the medium of the wooden interface. The added tukutuku kōwhiti (stitches) are like a sparkling energy, a mauri (life force) giving life and beauty. This was added to the mountains, river and stars to bind them together.