Beca Architects 6 Te Hono - New Plymouth Airport Terminal
Pou Auaha / Creative Director
Graham Crust
Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
Campbell Craig, Robert Creed
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Rangi Kipa, Joanna Wong, Matthew Low, Liam Spinks, Fern Brand -
Kaitautoko / Contributors
Puketapu Hapu, Beca Ltd, Clelands Construction, Rider Levett Bucknall -
Papa Rererangi i Puketapu

Judge's comments:
Te Hono embraces tangata whenua expertise and narratives and weaves these throughout every aspect of the airport terminal, an impressive feat for an architectural job of this scale. The diverse range of artworks create a rich and engaging experience for all travellers.