Angus Horne 2 Ellie Tuckey Savanah Hunt Luke Ransfield Mitra Homolja Ngā Kōrero: Reimagining the Design Process
Tauira / Students
Ellie Tuckey, Savanah Hunt, Angus Horne, Luke Ransfield, Mitra Homolja -
Te Kapa Tauira / Student Team
Team Kōrero -
Kaiako / Lecturers
Tane Moleta, Kevin Sweet
Victoria University of Wellington, School of Architecture

Judge's comments:
Ka mua, ka muri.
Looking back to move forward.
The judges were extremely impressed with the way this project married traditional knowledge, mātauranga Māori, with creativity and technology, to tackle pressing environmental issues.
The very hands-on ‘haututū’ explorative methods, drawing on traditional use of whenua, uku and paru, delivered some enlightening and delighful outcomes, both true to tradition, whilst simultaneously modern.