
Creature MANSFIELD Colour Award Graphics

Creature Fruit & Veg Heads Design Craft / Photography

Creature Viva L' Astoria Small Brand Identity / Commercial

Creature Viva L' Astoria Design Craft / Illustration

Creature The Long Run Business Communication

Creature Team Trail Run Design Craft / Photography

Herriot Melhuish O'Neill Architects, Creature Creature Studio Workplace Environments / Up to 200 square metres

Creature Miniature You Small Brand Identity / Commercial

Creature Kiwi Property - Annual Report Business Communication

Creature Lux – Night Light Festival Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery

Creature LeasePlan - Super Future Design Craft / Computer Generated Imagery

Creature Small Fleet Campaign Design Craft / Illustration

Creature Publication X Business Communication

Creature On the Wilder Side Self Promotion

Creature Don’t Hold Back Design Craft / Illustration

Creature Underwear Packaging Packaging / FMCG

Creature Night Lights Festival Design Communication

Creature Capture the Mechanics Design Craft / Photography

Creature The Thief, the Poet and the Lover Editorial and Books

Creature Celebrating 10 years of New Zealand Sign Language Week Social Good Award

Creature Alchemist/Altruist Self Promotion

Creature Christmas Lifesaver Pinata Self Promotion

Creature Chorus Annual Report 2013 Business Communication

Creature Meridian Annual & Sustainability Reports Business Communication

Creature NZ Art Show Design Communication

Creature Scots College Design Craft / Photography

Creature Ichor - Leadership Search Small Brand Identity

Creature More Fresh Self Promotion

Creature Meridian Annual Report Photography 2012 Design Craft / Photography

Creature Chorus Internal Values Environmental Graphics

Creature Creature Self Promotion

Creature Puanga Whanganui Identity Toitanga

Creature Krafthaus animated typography Design Craft / Typography

Creature Stable Small Brand Identity

Creature Krafthaus Motion Typography Time Based Graphics

Creature Fringe 2012 Environmental Graphics

Creature Creative Briefs Self Promotion

Creature Fringe Festival 2011 Environmental Graphics