Three Sixty Architecture 11 Simple Machines

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Dean Cowell
  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
    Tom Norman
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Member
    Ella Claridge
  • Client
    Simple Machines

The client is an established and growing Australian tech company, this was their first bespoke office in NZ – previously working out of a shared office facility. They wanted the space to feel ‘grown up’ – not like a startup.

The skill level and expertise of staff is required to be very high, and their work is serious – so the space had to reflect that. This is a place that typically introverted and quiet personalities of the employees can feel comfortable and cared for.

A pared back material palette of solid, dark finishes convey security, focus, and sophistication. Black steel, polished concrete and a commercial carpet with a broadloom, residential feel. Dark walnut tones in the joinery and workstations, with lighter oaks in the meeting and café spaces.

A layer of privacy is added by overlaying sheer curtains, patterned glass, and abundant planting. The curtains and planting were also part of the acoustic solution, along with acoustic wall panels applied in such a away as to not feel like we’ve lined the space in acoustic wall panels.

The tight floor area and large requirement meant an efficient layout was essential – a steel spine down the center of the space is the main organizing device – on one side, the staff kitchen and casual meeting areas that connect to the street – passers by don’t feel like they have an office full of workers staring at them, and the space looks like a café – achieving the goal of retaining the social connection to the neighbours.

On the other side of the spine is the work area – high enough to give the staff privacy from the street, but low enough to allow natural light to come through.

High quality, mostly NZ designed, furniture and bespoke graphic art complete the sophisticated feel of the space.