The Wonder Group 14 Wonder Group Studios
Pou Auaha / Creative Director
Buster Caldwell
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Abi Phillips, Mia Kober, Sophie Gillies, Katrina Bell, Stephanie Viterbo, Juliette Thomson

A neutral shell, from which great ideas are encouraged.
A timeless palette, with little risk of dating or passing by trend.
An inviting space to spend time in, work on special things, to commit and to conquer.
Designed to share, to host, to come together and to find focus.
A retreat of inspiration, filled with craft by our talented peers and friends.
Materials, books, resource and wares on display.
A studio curated specially to deliver the best work we can, for a (hopefully) very long time.
Judge's comments:
The design response is no-nonsense. A curation of style and function begins to blur the line between office and showroom and creates a space settles a creative energy and directs it in a considered and comfortable direction. The interior is presented as a wonderful expression of restraint and neutrality that is sympathetic and beautifully complemented by natural light.