Warren and Mahoney Architects 86 isite

  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Gareth Huston, Keri Drecki, Breannean Jackson, Jayson Urlich
  • Client
    Toursim New Zealand

The isite network is currently undertaking the physical upgrade of selected sites and digital assets. isite is the trusted national provider of visitor information and booking services. The future network is to be nationally consistent but locally relevant; showcasing local personality and knowledge, inspire action, and build reciprocal connections.

A concurrent brand refresh was underway, positioned to include Tiaki Kaupapa. The brief calls for consistent quality of customer experience, flexibility, diversification of revenue streams and partnership opportunities with a design that’s recognisable, inspirational, and retains a high level of recognition and trust.

Given the nature of isite’s existing spaces across the country, and the variety in products and services available at each location, the design needed to be adaptable, highly flexible, and suitable for a range of different sizes and configurations.
Our concept, ‘The gateway to our place’ positions each site as a gateway to the region locally and Aotearoa nationally. It’s an invitation to explore enriching experiences through connections to people, place and culture. Our planning strategy unlocks the full potential for a range of locations and functional requirements. Base-builds are pared back, becoming a blank canvas for inspiration. Next a modular framework is added to encompass all functions, retail, display, community engagement and bookings. The framework transforms information to inspiration, curating product and focus attention. Functions are organised to encourage exploration and manāki manuhiri upon arrival.

Aligning with the Taiki Kaupapa we challenged ourselves to avoid plastic fittings and decarbonise our design. A refined material palette of pine plywood, woca oil and pegboard were selected for their natural and malleable qualities. We worked hard to create both modular frames and storage and retail display accessories, brochure holder, book racks, postcard holders - all except for the odd metal peghook. Accessories are designed to offer a variety of arrangements allowing local owners to configure and reconfigure as desired.