Grin Natural Colab Projects Space For Britomart Brushing Bar

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Sarah Gurnsey
  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
    James Robson

Nestled between Juliette Hogan and Ortolana within the Britomart Pavilions, this activation to celebrate the launch of the Grin Pro toothbrush range brought modern, functional bathroom vanities to the heart of the city. With the goal of helping to educate consumers on the importance of personalising your oral care, the activation enabled customers to learn more about how to tend to their unique oral care needs, and make an educated choice in the seemingly overwhelming oral care aisle.

With many customers not knowing why they buy the brush they do, the pop-up shop provided an opportunity to dig deeper and understand how to make those ‘2-minutes, twice a day’ really count.

With custom vanities created by the talented team at Colab Projects, two back-to-back working sink stations enabled customers to try a personalised selection of toothbrush, paste and floss picks suited to their oral care concerns. With one station themed for the Ultimate Whitening Toothbrush and the other for Ultimate Gentle Care, and inspired by the home bathrooms of their typical user, it was a little like taking a step back home in the middle of your work day.

Passers-by enjoyed a midday refresh post-lunch, with the option to buy the oral care routine designed for you, or simply take a floss-pick for on-the-go. The space strived to fix seamlessly within the modern canvas of the SpaceFor pop-up space, with the challenge of working with a non-plumbed location, and still providing an element of privacy. However, the space was well-received by the 1400 customers who popped in during the 4-day opening, receiving praise from local hygienists and dentists who visited for championing the importance of a ‘prevention is better than the cure’ mentality and helping customers better understand the power of the right products.