Schwarz Design Jade Residence

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Rose Schwarz
  • Pou Rautaki / Strategic Lead
    Juliette Schwarz
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Member
    Jennifer Low
  • Kaitautoko / Contributor
    Isabella Eb
  • Client
    Ann Everard

With cherished memories of family gatherings and large dinner parties, this architecturally significant residence designed by Dr Donald holds sentimental value to the client.
Situated on the Remuera ridge this ‘80s apartment original architecture, fixtures, fittings and furniture required updating and restoration. The brief envisioned a renovation maintaining the iconic design features whilst creating a sympathetic space that would play a pivotal role, preserving the past and developing with the future of this creative family.

A pre-established working relationship with the client ensured a mutual appreciation for the hallmark architecture, an understanding of the memories attached while creating a new narrative. The client, an artist and collector with a passion for colour and form, wished to weave together two generational collections including heirloom antiques and artworks influencing the interior design. The premise for the concept was to convey the clients fun and vibrant personality by exploring colour, materiality and crafted detailing.

Inspiration evolved through natural materials and hues of mauve, pink and brown together with hints of green, an ode to an ‘80s colour scheme. The pivotal foundation for the design formed upon sourcing a rare piece of Kingswing Chinese Jade stone with a painterly quality. This layered palette combined with the neutral aesthetic of the existing architecture and fixtures form a transitional experience between the old and new. A distinction which provided the unique opportunity to conceptualise the interior design as a work of art.

Guided by the curvilinear walls from the moody lobby through to the sea views overlooking the Waitematā harbour, the floor plan of solid construction remained largely intact.
The interior renovation included thoughtfully reconfigured living areas, bathrooms, storage solutions as well as kitchen and laundry featuring precisely detailed inbuilt joinery elevating the functionality and flow of the overall spatial design. The new embodies modern square corners anchored with aged brass detailing complementing the refurbished existing period architecture.

The architectural and social importance of this home consciously guided its regenerative design and a light spatial footprint. Central to the renovation with a focus on entertaining was the complete redesign and opening up of the kitchen, creating a link to the dining room and integrating the two spaces. This transparent link, a design lead by innovation, functions as a stylish bar and display unit which is seamlessly integrated within the restored architecture. A pair of dual sided delicately framed bronze glass doors open to reveal aged brass liquor cabinets and spot lit shelving, showcasing Victorian coloured glass with glasses and bar accessories artfully displayed at the ready.

Essential to preserving memories was the restoring of original features, sourcing vintage items, repairing and reupholstering furniture. The thoughtfully curated material selection is layered with texture and intentionally refined, forming a richness through repetition, incorporating warm brass, wood grain, marble, basalt and wool textiles. The repetition and scale uphold balance and form producing an immersive design experience. This timeless simplicity, enables the art and personalities to take centre stage, a home where the party always ends in the kitchen.