Barrie Connor Design Seymour House

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Barrie Connor

Originally built in 1925, this bungalow went through its first transformation in 2005 with the addition of a second storey. The kitchen, dining, and living were moved up from the ground floor, to take advantage of the spectacular views over the Waitamata Harbour. Unfortunately the ground floor spaces left behind were awkward and without purpose.

Inspiration was taken from American Art deco which peaked in the roaring 20’s. This period was marked by the desire to break from tradition. Decorative frills were stripped away in favour of clean lines, geometric shapes, spheres and arches. The interior design would lean heavily toward art deco, and deco would influence decisions around fittings, fixtures and furniture.

Also during the 1920’s, Europe was redefining architecture and design. The modernest movement had begun to explore ‘form and function’ and the ‘honesty of materials’. The Bauhaus school in Weimar Germany was a leading exponent of this period. The addition of glass, steel and natural materials into this build was inspired by the Bauhaus idea of modernism.

This house is unrecognisable from its original state both inside and out. The spaces left behind from previous renovations recieved a monumental intervention to make the home feel cohesive. Rigorous planning, attention to detail, and a strong idea delivered a well considered project. The updated original spaces feel genuine, and the detailing feels like it has always been there. The additions are unapologetically modern and the consistency of materials, through a filter of art deco, has resulted in a stunning reimagining for a modern family home. From the largest of gestures to the smallest of details this project feels effortless, as if it was always supposed to be this way.