
Cheshire Architects Waiheke House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Cheshire Architects Awaawaroa Bay Home Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Cheshire Architects Waiheke House Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential

Alex Walls, Special Projects Island Bay House Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design

Pac Studio Split House Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design

Fraser Horton Design, Special Projects Island Bay House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Studio Well Kererū Retreat Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Crosson Architects Light Mine Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Fearon Hay Architects Te Pakeke Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Pac Studio Wanaka Crib Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential

Edwards White Architects Bowentown Bach Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

PRau Park Terrace House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Crosson Architects Kawau Island House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Fearon Hay Architects Taumata Beach House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Pac Studio, Steven Lloyd Architecture Limited Wanaka Crib Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Jose Gutierrez Ltd John St Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential

Jose Gutierrez Ltd Ardmore Rd Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential

Space Studio Herne Bay Residence Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential

SGA Ltd Strachan Group Architects Lean on Me Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential Croydon Rd Residence Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design

MAUD Twin Peaks Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design

Tom Mark Henry Young St House Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design Audrey Rd Residence Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design

Johnston Architects Pauanui Beach House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Johnston Architects Little Brighton - Beach House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

ICR Studio Limited Shore Road Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

ICR Studio Limited The Kiwi Bach Experiment Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Mark Frazerhurst Architects Meyrick Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

RTA Studio Buckleton's Boat Shed Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Condon Scott Architects Ruby Ridge House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Fraser Horton Design Prefab Snow Cabins Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

JWA Architects Ltd Napier Lane Apartments Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

SGA Ltd Strachan Group Architects Reef House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

SGA Ltd Strachan Group Architects Courtyard House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Three Sixty Architecture Riverside House Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Warren and Mahoney Architects Taumata Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

Warren and Mahoney Architects, Boffa Miskell Landscape Architects Metlifecare Gulf Rise Residential / Residential Architecture - Houses

matter, Bespoke Interior Design Birch Park Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential

Tom Mark Henry Bischoff Residence Residential / Residential Architecture - Multiresidential

Bespoke Interior Design Ridge Retreat Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design

Nicola Manning Design Black Apartment Conversion Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design

Donna White Interior Design 1940's Home Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design

Lume Design Banks Peninsula House Residential / Residential Interior Architecture & Interior Design