WSP Architecture 6 Wellington East Girls College - Main Block Redevelopment
Pou Auaha / Creative Director
Bruce Curtain
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Cushla Thurston, Frances Vessey, Carl Ashby, Brian Hayes, Chessa Stevens, Richard Daniels -
Ministry of Education

Wellington East Girls’ College has educated young women since the 1920's and the historic façade has long been a landmark in Mount Victoria, Wellington. The recent redevelopment project provides 5,800m2 of new accommodation that consolidates the life of the school around the quad giving a new “heart” to the school.
Key to the project has been the retention of the three-storey unreinforced masonry Category 1 Heritage-listed façade and entry vestibule of the original Main Block building. These are integrated seamlessly into new Main Block to provide tangible links to the school heritage, together with 21st century educational spaces that support continued growth and success of the school.
The project has resulted in a remarkable rejuvenation of the school buildings and site and these now reflect the vibrant school culture, which celebrates educational excellence and cultural diversity, takes pride in its heritage and provides innovation and a forward-focus in its teaching.