ART of FACT 2 My5G Portal, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
    David Hebblethwaite, Yusnidar Yusof
  • Pou Rautaki / Strategic Lead
    David Hebblethwaite
  • Pou Taketake / Cultural Lead
    Yusnidar Yusof
  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
    David Hebblethwaite, Yusnidar Yusof
  • Kaituhi Matua / Copywriter Lead
    David Hebblethwaite
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    David Hebblethwaite, Yusnidar Yusof, Noēmie Durand
  • Kaitautoko / Contributors
    iPartnership (Malaysia), Animation Research Limited (NZ), Planet Films (M), PLM Interiors (M), Technibuilt (M) Sdn Bhd
  • Client
    Digital Nasional Berhad (Malaysia)

My5G Portal is Malaysia’s innovation showcase for the transition into a high-value, digitally enabled economy. This project transforms sectors from healthcare to infrastructure by showcasing what true 5G deployment can do. While 5G in New Zealand is largely limited to enhanced mobile speeds, this examines the potential to revolutionise medical services, manufacturing, environmental management, and digital innovation.

Our design strategy focuses on deep empathy and clear communication. Through engaging narratives and real-life scenarios, we designed an immersive 1,000-square-meter near-future world, explored in a 60 to 90-minute visitor journey. Inspired by Malaysia’s hibiscus flower, our design blends techno-organic motifs with digital installations.

The target audiences are public-sector decision-makers, private sector service providers, innovators, entrepreneurs, and modernising businesses.
Visitors begin with "A Day in a 5G Life," a film depicting a modern Malaysian family navigating future technologies. Interactive exhibits follow, illustrating the evolution from car phones to smart devices and exploring the impact of the Internet of Things. A Smart City simulation demonstrates 5G’s role in urban environments, using movable transparent touchscreens and projections to engage visitors with real scenarios.

The journey continues with real use-cases in homes and businesses, concluding in a zone where technology fades entirely to focus on human interactions. This narrative approach resonates across diverse audiences, including policymakers, entrepreneurs, and the public.

The My5G Portal embodies Malaysia’s multicultural identity, integrating cultural references and promoting inclusivity. It aligns with national goals of digital transformation, emphasising technology’s role in economic growth and social well-being. Success is measured by 5G adoption rates and impacts on IoT, AI, and smart cities. The My5G Portal is already fostering collaborations and driving significant change.