Simplify and Amplify The Treasure Box

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Angela Godenho

A Joyful, Sustainable Family Home Rises from the Ashes:
This is the story of a remarkable transformation – a battle-weary bungalow reborn as a vibrant, sustainable home for a family of five and their loyal dog. More than just a rebuild, this project became a canvas for joy, surprise, and a deep connection to the surrounding community.

From Struggle to Triumph:
The journey began in 2011 after devastating earthquakes left the original home in need of serious repairs. The clients, committed to staying in their beloved neighborhood, fought tirelessly for repairs. Finally, in 2021, with the help of an exceptional team and EQC's on-sold program, a full rebuild became a reality.

Understanding the Land:
Having lived on the site for years, the clients had a deep understanding of the sun, light, and privacy pockets. They strategically positioned the new home, maximizing sunlight , minimising wind exposure and preserving a cherished north-facing garden. The exterior, clad in simple gull grey colorsteel tray allowed the home to blend into the surrounding houses, respecting the diverse community.

Joyful Journeys within:
The client, an interior design professional, envisioned the home's architecture as a mere backdrop for the real magic – the soft and feminine landscape and the vibrant and functional interior spaces. Two main zones, public and private, are connected by a long, light-filled corridor. Walking through this corridor becomes a journey in itself, creating a sense of anticipation before revealing the soaring ceilings of the public spaces.

A Celebration of Family Life:
The heart of the public area is the dining space – a place for family meals and gatherings. Curved banquette seating and a custom table offers a welcoming ambiance, while a sneak peek into a cozy snug with a fireplace adds a touch of whimsy. Plenty of storage, a child-friendly kitchen, scullery and a laundry ensures functionality for the family's busy life.

Private Spaces, Surprising Delights:
The private zone offers a haven for relaxation. A media room and dedicated office hidden behind secret pivoting panels, cater to the joy of movies, games, and focused work. The children's bedrooms, bursting with colour, are nestled up a curved staircase featuring a unique handrail with a neon sign reminding them to “march to the beat of their own drum”

A Symphony of Colour and Sustainability:
Each space within the home received a unique name and personality thanks to bold colour choices inspired by the client's previous work. Sustainable materials, such as Marmoleum flooring, echo throughout, linking the public spaces and reflecting the client's commitment to sustainability.

A Home that Breathes Joy:
The client's own handmade objects and art collections, gathered throughout life's journeys, are proudly displayed alongside the children's creations. This personal touch, adds to the home's playful features and unexpected surprises.
This rebuild transcends its physical form to become a testament to resilience, purposeful design, and the power of creating a home that sparks joy for every member of the family.