Woolkin 7 Boulder™ – the natural dump truck that's bolder

  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
    Matt Backler, Adrian Miller, Nate Collier, Blythe Rees-Jones
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Luke Morreau, Anna Rees-Jones
  • Client

Dump trucks and construction toys are so elemental to little kids and play culture. It’s hard to believe over 3.9 million toy dump trucks are sold each year. While kids are drawn to these miniature earth movers, many are made of plastic and do little to move our planet forward. When you understand that nearly 80% of all toys end up in landfill (or ultimately the ocean) – some heavy lifting must be done.

We designed Boulder™ to be, well – bolder! We wanted to create an iconic and playful toy dump truck with a natural difference. Boulder™ picks up where others leave off, delivering strong environmental credentials and product stewardship responsibility. While uniquely familiar in design, these toys are made from Naturesclip™ - a pure New Zealand wool material we designed and engineered. It’s wool but not as you know it. Then there is the natural untreated goodness of FSC certified timber (sourced from forests in Aotearoa), which plays are role in carbon sequestration, and helping accentuate Boulder™ form beautifully. It’s chunky, bright, and robust, and it feels warm and engaging to touch. It’s like your lovable soft toy reinvented.

Boulder™ (and friends) are showing we can elevate design to deliver real better outcomes and economic development: creating new markets for our materials, new jobs for our people, and more enriched first years for our kids.