Mason Blair Mason Blair Tremor

  • Tauira / Student
    Mason Blair
  • Kaiako / Lecturers
    Roger Kelly, Beck Wheeler, James Smith, Mazin Bahho, Anthony Chiappin
  • School
    IDEAschool at Eastern Institute of Technology | Te Pūkenga

Tremor is a unique string instrument designed to have it’s own internal analogue reverberations. Hand crafted out of recycled timber and with an internal structure which holds a series of springs held under tension. These springs reverberate when the instrument is played and creates a sustained and percussive sound.

The idea was born out of a curiosity to replicate the resonating sound heard in a wooded hollow on my grandad’s farm. The glade acted as an amphitheater and reflected the surrounding sounds of the natural environment.

Tremor is made from recycled native timbers (Kauri, Matai, Totora, Black Maire and Rimu) and resembles a hybrid of a lute, a banjo, and the Chinese pipa. It incorporates the golden ratio and is designed to balance form and function.

The driving question was – How do I create a unique sound using analogue methods? With the belief that creativity thrives of limitations.

To view a recording of Tremor being played visit: