Soohyun Han Triton

  • Tauira / Student
    Soohyun Han
  • Kaiako / Lecturers
    Anke Nienhuis, Gautam Madhavan Nair

Triton is an innovative technology that improves the survival rate of gut-hooked fish because for every suitable fish caught, 8 are thrown back and 5 of them die, which has a significant impact on our already depleted fish stocks. Most fishermen will have to resort to either killing the fish or cutting the line, reducing their chances of survival. My innovation exhibits the simplicity and the effectiveness of removing imbedded hooks with a mere squeeze of the handle since the most effective means of guaranteeing safe release is to have the least amount of handling of the fish out of the water.
Triton will last in harsh fishing environments (rocky coasts, concrete wharfs, oceans) as well as the jaws of some tough mouthed fish. Triton uses lightweight materials for comfort and material efficiency as well as to be sustainable to support ecological, human, and economic health and vitality.
-Marine Grade Aluminum (Graded 5000~6000)
With its mix of alloys, it reigns superiority due to light weight structure, high resistance against saltwater corrosion, withstanding harsh environments and jaws of big game fish.
-Most environmentally friendly of all polymers (HDPE, High Density Polyethylene)
Emitting no hazardous emissions into the environment (requiring a fraction of the energy required to produce steel from iron ore). HDPE is also a highly durable, UV-resistant, and water-resistant material.
No angler wants a fish to die as a result of your handling because it is unavoidable to come into a circumstance while fishing where a fish is unable to kick back into the water. This product provides recreational fishermen with the delight and joy of having easy and quick hook retrieval and being able to release undersized or for recreational sporting.
What differentiates my product is the elimination of the need to look through the fish's mouth as well as reducing the effort of removal by a squeeze of a trigger. It’s also a safer removal as the mechanism allows the hook point to be removed from the angle it penetrated from. This means that the barb of the hook will not rip out as much flesh when manually removed. The existing marketed products require manual hook removal where some can slide down to where the hook is embedded deeply. However, they require manual removal of pushing it down or pulling it out. Think of it as a more technical plier that grabs onto the hook. My product, however, mechanically applies the removal of the barb with minimal effort and safety.
My innovative technology has the potential to change the way fishermen engage with their catch, as it tackles a crucial issue of greatly increasing the survival rate of gut-hooked fish. My design's elegance rests in its simplicity and efficiency whilst ensuring the fish's safe release as well as reducing the amount of time it spends out of the water, which is critical for keeping its health. The removal of hand-to-fish interaction emphasizes the product's dedication to fish conservation, promising a better, more sustainable future for anglers and the aquatic ecosystem alike.