Paceracer 2 Bespoke Waterproof Outdoor Clock

  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
    Brett Band
  • Kaitautoko / Contributor
    Mendel Moos

New Zealand lacked high-quality, customizable outdoor clocks, with organizations resorting to expensive imports. This presented a unique opportunity to create a locally made solution that catered to the specific needs of schools, golf courses, and public spaces.

Our approach was to develop a bespoke clock that combined functionality, durability, and aesthetic appeal. We utilized local craftsmanship and materials to create a product that not only met the market demand but also fostered community pride.

The outcome is a precision-engineered, customizable clock that has been well-received by the market. It has enhanced the visual appeal and operational efficiency of various institutions, proving the value of locally produced solutions. This project not only filled a market gap but also contributed to the growth of local manufacturing and craftsmanship.