Invenco Group Ltd 2 A2-09 Outdoor Payment Terminal
Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
Alan Van Gerve, David Schuster -
Pou Rautaki / Strategic Leads
Pablo Eynon, Murray Freestone, Roger Pook, Chris Henry
Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
Pablo Eynon, Murray Freestone
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Shaun Craill, Bennie Vosloo, David Vaemolo, Saleh Ghiyath, Andrew Song, Geoff Carroll, Aravindkumar Harinarayanan

The A2-09 All-In-One Outdoor Payment Terminal is a 5th generation OPT made by Invenco by GVR for the demanding fuel and convenience retail sector. The A2-09 incorporates a chipped card reader, mag stripe card reader, barcode reader, receipt printer, touch screen HD LED outdoor display, near-field contactless reader, audio speaker and PIN entry device, all of which need to be reliable and functional across extremes of weather and temperature.
The environment of use covers a vast range from scorching deserts, through to tropical monsoons and arctic conditions. The A2-09 needs to remain fully functional across all of these with an operational temperature range of -30°C to +70°C. It also needed to be fire resistant and to maintain full electrical safety and fire enclosure integrity after impacts.
Toughness aside, physical and digital security is also very high as these un-attended devices are targeted by organised crime attempting to hack into the banking system. Although the exact counter measures taken are confidential, the hardened security architecture in this product is one of the first in the world to achieve the demanding PCI 6.x security protocol. The OPT has also achieved the Contactless EMV 3.0 standard, IPX6 water resistance and an IK10 impact rating.
The project team put considerable effort into the UI and UX of the system, with a strategy of creating an open platform Software Design Kit (SDK) for corporate customers to be able to create and customise the digital user experience as much as possible. This was a challenge because having an open SDK while maintaining the integrity of the PCI 6.x security standard was not straight forward.
Alongside this effort, the industrial design of the enclosure sought to find an appropriate balance between making the product appear durable, rugged, and secure for corporate customers, while also being usable, approachable, and simple for the actual end users. Selection of materials and textures was done with care and consideration of the environment of use.
The design considered the emerging alternative fuel market, particularly the needs of customers delivering Hydrogen. The PIN-on-glass PIN entry system is gas-proof and eliminates button switching that could be hazardous with Hydrogen. The A2-09 has also been future proofed with support for predictive AI enhanced interfaces already designed and built in.