Prettybig 2 One of a Kind sticks
Pou Auaha / Creative Director
Robbie van Dam -
Pou Rautaki / Strategic Leads
Robbie van Dam, Rik Campbell
Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
Robbie van Dam, Rik Campbell -
Kaituhi Matua / Copywriter Lead
Sarah Connor
Kaitautoko / Contributors
Luke Morreau, Jeff McEwan

The what
One Of A Kind is more than just a walking stick. It helps people get around but also reflects their personality and identity. We’ve created a beautiful, simple, functional stick that empowers people to be themselves and doesn’t harm our planet. It’s an accessory to take everywhere, every day. One Of A Kind makes growing older something younger people envy.
The why
Our world’s population is aging; yet every year the mobility sector fails people who need support to get around. Too many mobility aids are poorly designed; impersonal; made with carbon intensive materials; hard to recycle; and notoriously ugly. Everyone deserves to age with dignity and style, every step of the way.
People who are social and stay active, live longer and healthier lives. One Of A Kind products are symbols of freedom and a celebration of life.
The how
We’ve spent 2 years exploring mobility products that are poorly considered and executed. We’ve also spent a few years asking people - who depend on sticks to get about - what they need and want.
Our deep understanding of the current range of sticks available, and people’s current needs, informed our prototypes and final product. Just as most people value the design and colour of their clothes or shoes or glasses, we’ve thought about every aspect of the thing people can’t leave home without – their stick.
As a nod to people’s unique personality and style, One Of A Kind can be configured in multiple ways. The interchangeable handles and feet make it possible to mix and match different colours to suit their mood and outfit. The colour-ways will be updated seasonally by artists around NZ and the world. More silhouettes will be added so that you can have the form that best suits your style.
We approached the design with a focus on simplexity: simplicity achieved with engineering complexity to achieve the BS/EN standard. We had the luxury of time but limited resources so we reduced the design to its minimal elements for maximum joy and mobility. We considered the perfect balance and proportions to sit comfortably in someone’s hand.
By designing a removable handle, we’ve reduced the shipping volume by more than 60%. This reduces the cost of shipping and the cost to our planet. Having a modular design reduces inventory too, so the length, timber and colour combos can be configured at the last second before delivery.
All materials are sourced responsibly - e.g. FSC timber - or made from cabinetry ‘shorts’ destined for disposal. To reflect our commitment to circularity, we use as many waste streams as possible. The plastic handles are made from used fishing nets and post-consumer certified recycled plastic, conforming to the Global Plastics Recycling Standard. The soft foot is made with natural rubber. The timber is hand finished and coated with two applications of tung oil.
We had the benefit of establishing the brand and product at the same time. This allowed us to develop our brand and product’s values in parallel.
Our One Of A Kind monogram is branded into the top of the cane and sits in the centre of someone’s hand. A regular reminder for people that they too are one of a kind.