Città 14 Cabin Blanket

  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
    Imogen Tunnicliffe, Sophie Clapson
  • Kaitautoko / Contributor
    Jenna Maxfield
  • Client
Judge's comments:

The judges were captivated by the blankets subtle colour selection and juxtaposition of textures and finishes which combine with a sensuous tactility and nostalgia for great affect.


The Cabin blanket is a study of colour and its infinite combinations. The design is an exploration of the balance and imbalance created through the merging of colour. Harmonious unions exist next to contrary combinations, ultimately becoming a united whole.

During the design process, further reflections were around the New Zealand tradition of tramping. This included the idea of staying in cabins and huts where you might find blankets folded on a shelf; the colours a little faded but still interesting, and the wool a little threadbare. The Cabin blanket is a cheerful reimagining of these classic New Zealand heirlooms. An item we hope wears well over time and becomes a beloved textile within the home.

Our objective was to create something bold and exuberant. The challenge became striking the balance between multicoloured chaos and dynamic harmony. We enjoyed exploring the tension between the relative order of the checked pattern and the playful colours.

We set out to produce the Cabin blanket exclusively in New Zealand. The design was conceptualised in our Auckland studio. It was then woven and milled by a local manufacturer using lambswool sourced from the East Cape of the North Island. From start to finish, the design tells a New Zealand story.