Lianna Shaw, Katie Freer, Louis Munt, Ely Batisan, Julia Stelwagen, Corner Huang, Makayla Gibbs, Nadezhda Keniya, Alex Gibbs, Wanqing Zhao Night Lights

  • Tauira / Students
    Lianna Shaw, Katie Freer, Louis Munt, Ely Batisan, Julia Stelwagen, Corner Huang, Makayla Gibbs, Nadezhda Keniya, Alex Gibbs, Wanqing Zhao
  • Kaitautoko / Contributor
    Ethan Baldey
  • Kaiako / Lecturer
    Jonathan King

Night Lights tells the story of an 8 year old girl named Stella. Who strives to inspire her mayor into sharing the stars with her light polluted city. She and the Mayor share a deep fascination for the stars, and the Mayor is deeply stirred by her natural, childlike wonder. Night Lights displays the value and beauty of natural starlight, through a lens of innocence, with a dash of charm.
Night Lights is a family-friendly 2-minute short animated film that targets towards primary school kids around the ages 5-12. However, it is a film that both kids and adults can enjoy, understand, and watch in NZ and internationally as this film has no words. This film is aimed towards parents and kids as a fun, emotionally-gripping short to show the impacts of light pollution and inspire our youth to make a positive mark on the world and show how their voice can make a difference big or small. Throughout production we used a mix of Blender and Maya software for ease of use and to achieve stylistic outcomes for the film.
From pre-production all the way to post-production we had a very passionate team. This passion stemmed from the deeper meaning behind the story and helped us carry through to the completion of Night Lights and the reason WHY we were making it. This film is valuable to every single one of us from learning new skills, software, leadership roles, and is something we will remember for a lifetime.