Moving Image
Duncan Van der Schyff Baton Pass
Tauira / Student
Duncan Van der Schyff -
Kaiako / Lecturer
Jason O’Hara

Baton pass is a bespoke animated homage to the life-cycle of a designer, and the personal growth and metamorphosis I experienced and observed in others during my degree. Although visually abstract, the narrative of baton pass communicates the stages of our journey and life as creatives. From the first moment, the passion for design is passed on to us from lecturers to stepping out into the world to pass that passion to others, and perhaps on to the next generation of designers. This Narrative was particularly poignant in the context of being designed to showcase at our end-of-year exhibit for graduating students; the perfect mix of reflective catharsis and excited optimism for the future.
What change, growth and learning do we undergo as designers from the time we receive the baton, to the time we pass it on? I ask the audience to consider their own career as designers, who they've become, and what values they're passing on to the next generation.
Judge's comments:
A great mix of 3D animation with a unique hand drawn, textural finish was appreciated by the judges. The inventive camera angles and accomplished character animation creates a wonderfly dynamic editorial flow.