Monique Hyobin Park The Scent of Blue Uiseong

  • Tauira / Student
    Monique Hyobin Park
  • Kaiako / Lecturer
    Miriam Harris

‘The Scent of Blue Uiseong’ is a reflection of my personal story and depicts my experience of having asthma as a child due to the smell of mould, and of my grandmother, who lived in an old house in Uiseong, one of South Korea’s rural areas. Although it is a memory of the past that is accompanied by countless complex emotions, a sense of nostalgia remains intense when I smell mould in an old house. My animated film served as a letter from my adult self, having made a full recovery from asthma to my grandmother, from whom I always tended to maintain my distance. Even though different background stories reside within each audience member, it is the aesthetic emotions rooted in the film that create emotional resonance. The story in the film acted as a tool that triggers relatable and therapeutic feelings for the audience, as well as for myself as an autoethnographer