Qian Shen Angel

  • Tauira / Student
    Qian Shen
  • Kaiako / Lecturer
    Miriam Harris

This project represents a journey of self-discovery and acceptance in a world often rigidly divided by gender norms. It explores the protagonist's dream of becoming an angel, a being traditionally seen as beyond human gender distinctions, as a metaphor for finding love and acceptance in society. This dream also saved those who do not conform to binary gender roles. The story reflects the pain of bullying and the strength derived from embracing one's true identity.
This project encourages viewers to empathize with the protagonist's journey and reflect on their perceptions of gender. It also can be an inspiration for further dialogue in the community, it can catalyze conversations about gender identity, bullying, and acceptance. It invites educational institutions, community groups, and individuals to engage in meaningful dialogue and take action towards creating a more inclusive environment.