KE Design Takuahiroa

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Kaaterina Kerekere
  • Kaitautoko / Contributor
    Tai Kerekere

Fusing Māori concepts and traditions with a contemporary design aesthetic and digital technology, the artist, Kaaterina Kerekere has created their own visual language to explore themes of whakapapa (genealogy) and mātauranga tāwhito (ancient knowledge).

Using the whare wānanga (house of learning) once located at Takuahiroa, Tolaga Bay as a basis for her research, Kaaterina has incorporated elements of mōteatea (a lament) alongside graphic motifs to highlight the reclamation of knowledge in their hapū (subtribe) and iwi (tribe) and to encourage people to stay connected to their papakāinga (homelands) and whānau (family).

“This digital and oral composition combines 378 layers of imagery exploring ideas of space, time, symbolism and intertwined knowledge. It also introduces a new dimension within the work called oro—the echoing and resounding of verse and imagery, connecting oneself and imbuing a sense of presence.”

We need to find different and innovative ways of connecting and honestly, reconnecting, reaching out to our whānau, and in particular our tamariki (children), rangatahi (younger generations) through a language of creativity, a visual language that combines the worlds around us which includes all aspects of Te Ao Māori - te reo Māori (the Māori language), waiata (song), mōteatea (chant) and Toi Māori (Māori art). Empower and inspire value of mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge)– bring to surface value of traditional foundations, concepts, narrative, history, legacy through creative, innovative approaches and interpretation. We all view the same image through a different lens. We all hear the same sound but interpret different messages. We are all unique in our interpretation of knowledge and very so much in how we understand knowledge that is passed on. The approach for this work is to illuminate a creative coding, language system, the reclaiming and retention of our histories and the transmission of our knowledge systems.

'Takuahiroa' invites audiences to search for design within design, within design - story within story, within story. To feel connection of line, form and sound.

A digital repository of family stories, whakapapa and legacy for our whānau, hapū and iwi to explore tools of connection through innovation. This work, 'Takuahiroa' is a representation, a celebration of our story, of our place, through our voice.