Studio Local 2 The Tuesday Club 16 Mānuka Health Rebrand

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
    Nick Worthington, Mikhail Gherman, Arch MacDonnell
  • Pou Rautaki / Strategic Leads
    Nick Worthington, Mikhail Gherman, Graham Ritchie
  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
    Pete Circuitt, Dave Brady
  • Kaituhi Matua / Copywriter Lead
    Nick Worthington
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Tania Smiler, Jared Kahi, Elizabeth Stokes, Rory McLean, Rich Nosworthy
  • Kaitautoko / Contributors
    Craig P. Burrows, Graham Ritchie, Rob Linkhorn, Ching-Ting Fu, Dave Campbell, Dr. Kannan Subramanian
  • Client
    Mānuka Health New Zealand

Rebranding Mānuka Health needed a unique new look to stand out from its competitors, and what better way to achieve that than by utilising the raw elements provided by nature to tell its story?
Honeybees have remarkable vision, allowing them to see the world in an ultraviolet spectrum that is invisible to the human eye. This concept was carried throughout the entire campaign and by collaborating with Craig P. Burrows and utilising his captivating imagery, we designed a system of networks in Houdini to simulate a time-lapse of complex 3D flowers in the UV spectrum - as the honeybee might see them, something not done before. This innovative approach brought this stunning UV world to life, making it visible to the human eye.
Intercontinental exhibitions, coupled with the global release of the photographic book “The Seduction of the Honeybee” launched a new visual identity and brand story. Products derived from New Zealand mānuka honey offer endless health and wellness benefits. Moreover, the company is committed to the regeneration of mānuka forests and the protection and propagation of the honeybee making the project even more rewarding.