BUCK 40 BMF Rumble Studio Alinta Energy True Power

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
    Gareth O’Brien, Erica Ford, Jordan Howes, Luke Saunders, Elijah Akouri
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Tim Krakowiak, Corin Sadlier, Melissa Ya, Glen Miralles, Colin Bigelow, Jason Pamment, Tiago Calliari, Scarlett Starling, Lara Lee, Kane Rowlingson, Manu Correa Soto, Albert Lee, Bryce Pemberton, Dan Rodgers, Pedro Conti, Pedro Silva, Julio Bonfante, Cosmo Park, Rahul Saraiya, Chuong Vu, Ben Hubbard, Lawrence Wong, Octavio De Lellis, Soyeon Kim, Derek Lau, Fiona Lu, William Pietsch, Sam Van Ingen, Max Wanniaratchy
  • Client
    BMF Sydney

Ultimately, the transition between traditional energy sources and new, clean sources is a process that takes many years. We needed to help Alinta Energy visually portray what that transition looks like through this 60-second spot. We used a large machine trudging across the Australian landscape to depict the current system — a combination of old and new sources of energy. Over time, more and more solar panels and wind turbines are introduced to the machine and the landscape, showing what the future of energy will look like as we replace more of the older sources with new ones. The spot addresses the current state of energy sources and looks ahead towards a fully renewable future.