Assembly 3 Find The Point Of Change

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
    Dan Wright, Thomas Darlow
  • Pou Rautaki / Strategic Lead
    Dan Wright
  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
    Jonny Kofoed
  • Kaituhi Matua / Copywriter Lead
    Erin Mattingly
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Gary Sullivan, Elliot Stronge, Matthew Wilson, Jane Oak
  • Kaitautoko / Contributors
    Harry Skelton, Ahmad Salim
  • Client
    Deloitte Digital

The world spends 2.3 Trillion dollars on digital transformation every year. Research shows 70% of it doesn’t really change anything. That’s almost 1.7 trillion yearly. Deloitte’s aim was to stage an intervention by shining a light on the scale of that waste. Showing how much could be achieved with that sum and encouraging organisations to set a clear strategy for their transformation and ‘Find the point of change’, rather than buying tech for tech’s sake which is the root cause of the problem.