Assembly 3 Blip Lightyears from Home

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
    Will Winter-Irving, Joe Ranello, Paul Meates
  • Pou Rautaki / Strategic Lead
    Gavin McLeod
  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
    Matt von Trott
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Joshua Fourt-Wells, Frankie Principe, Elliot Stronge, Jane Oak
  • Kaitautoko / Contributor
    Tania Jeram
  • Client
    Hospitals United for Sick Kids

Hospitals United for Sick Kids brings together a national alliance of children’s hospitals, foundations and paediatric services to fund innovative research, equipment, treatments, services, and other projects to help get kids home from hospital sooner. The organisation is the only charity that is for all kids, all diseases, all injuries.

There were three key issues: First, the name 'Curing Homesickness', though emotive, wasn’t widely recognised. Second, with 48,000 registered charities in Australia, corporates were suffering charity fatigue. Third, while effective, 'Mum’s Sause' lacked alternative fundraising avenues.

We needed a rebrand, with a clear, unambiguous name and a new campaign with distinctive brand assets that could really connect. When it came to the campaign, we needed an emotional articulation of the organisation’s core mission: curing homesickness, that isolating, alienating feeling of being far from home. At a practical level, we also needed a simple, ownable brand device that had the flexibility to appear on, and beyond, any co-branded products.