Moving Image
Blur the Lines 14 Perceptual Engineering Comvita Wellness Lab: Experience introduction
Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
Danielle Barclay, Jon Baxter
Ringatoi Matua / Design Director
Peter Hobbs
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Lani Rain, Craig McKay -
Comvita Limited

Comvita wanted to create an environment that brought people closer to nature and told their unique story in a way that had never been done before.
We designed a 180 degree theatre to host a 30 minute sensploration honey tasting experience featuring custom designed moving image and audio.
The experience begins in a pristine white room with 8 luxury chairs to entice you to sit down. Our host, a beekeeper, introduces herself and Comvita’s founder Alan to continue to narrate the story.
The lights go down and the show begins with a life size projection of Alan in a beekeeping suit appearing to walk into the room. He begins to share his love of bees and passion for nature’s healing power.
The large scale screen transforms to reveal a satellite view of New Zealand and the camera flies into one of Comvita’s regenerated Manuka forests and a group of beehives, viewed at bee scale.
Here we take in the view of Mt Ruapehu before entering a beehive to get to know the bees and appreciate the important role they play in our ecosystem.
The camera was set up inside a 3D scene to swoop over Mt Taranaki and towards Mt Ruapehu during sunrise, landing on a ridge before entering a beehive.
The accompanying soundscape was composed only from recordings of bees in nature and envelopes the senses in an orchestral way. The music takes the audience on a journey through the scene and connects strongly to the sounds of nature and bees.