Assembly 58 PwC Extraordinary Challenges

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
    Jeremy Bernstein, Joanne Scanello, James Cowie
  • Ringatoi Matua / Design Directors
    Matt von Trott, Damon Duncan
  • Kaitautoko / Contributors
    Amanda Chambers, Clare Fisher, Suzanne Molinaro, Anna Farrell, Josh Deitel, Jeremy Gelade, Rich Kolopeaua
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Jeff Nusz, Matt Wilson, Rhys Dippie, Craig Speakman, Gary Sullivan, Geoff Kirk-Smith, Josh Fourt-Wells, Joe Helmore, Sean Dekkers, Scotty Wilson, Mark Williams, Matthew Smith, Bri Meyer, Dale Hobson, Sergey Poltavskiy, Patrick Blades, Anastasiya Fileva
  • Client
    Deutsch NY
Judge's comments:

A world class piece of work with an amazing amount of beautifully crafted content held together in an elegantly simple website that successfully re positions and re brands a large multinational company.

The Purple Pin was a unanimous decision with the entry standing out as a great example of the kind of quality this category can produce. The level of finish was exceptional and the design consistency across a large amount of content ultimately lifted it above the other entries.