Justina King The Little Herbal Handbook

  • Tauira / Student
    Justina King
  • Kaiako / Lecturer
    Meg Brasell-Jones

For this project, the client’s objective was to inspire connection with the healing powers of plants, using design that is fun, playful and engaging. The client is a naturopath who runs an online clinic for those based in Australasia. Naturopathy is a holistic, nature-based form of medicine that looks at all body systems to determine underlying causes of illness. The client wanted to market her book towards both existing clients and those who may not yet know about naturopathy, but are interested in learning more. The target audience is aged 18-40. The book would benefit the target audience through providing knowledge through a format that is fun, engaging and colourful, rather than a dictionary-like format and overwhelming with too much information.