Annick Harvey, Alyx Rangihaeata Sprout Squad

  • Tauira / Students
    Annick Harvey, Alyx Rangihaeata
  • Kaiako / Lecturers
    Andre Murnieks, Antony Nevin, Jo Bailey

Kiwi kids are the future kaitiaki (guardians) of Aotearoa. Whānau and caregivers recognise the importance of teaching their kids to garden, but they face barriers such as time and money. Sprout Squad introduces gardening to tamariki aged 5–9 through hands-on, interactive activity journals. They’re packed with DIY gardening ideas, crafts and games to educate children about gardening and our NZ natural environment. All materials for the suggested activities are either provided within the pages or are easy-to-find household items, which helps reduce overhead costs. Most pages are designed to be completed independently, to teach tamariki to take initiative and grow their gardening skills with pride.