Universal Favourite 35 Flaus
Pou Auaha / Creative Directors
Dari Israelstam, Ali Ozden -
Pou Rautaki / Strategic Lead
Kaituhi Matua / Copywriter Leads
Cat Wall, Amy Scott
Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
Laura Brown, Kristen Walsh, Lucy McGinley -
Kaitautoko / Contributors
Ten Two, Mitchell Eaton, Think Packaging -

Flossing sucks. It’s boring, kinda gross, sometimes painful and a process that hasn’t changed in the two centuries since its invention. Wanting to bring some enjoyment to an everyday chore and do right by the planet along the way, Flaus is reimagining the oral healthcare space, starting with the world’s first planet-friendly electric flosser.
With the proposition of “inventing a better future for people with teeth” as our launchpad, the seed of Planet Flaus was planted – a place to relish in a better future of ingenious, human-centred design that does good by you and the earth.
Flaus wanted to create a brand that would bring flossing into the 21st century but also rise above the swathe of superficial and “trendy” millennial brands emerging as part of the oral beauty boom. This meant bringing their environmental ethos to the front without falling into stale “eco” tropes or the blur of brands saying the same meaningless things.
Our idea was to create Planet Flaus – a new world of ingenious, human-centred design that does good for you and the earth. Led by illustrated scenes bringing the Flaus values to life, we crafted an identity referencing retro-futurism—part science-fiction, backed by science-fact—with a rebellious tone of voice, bold design system, upbeat photography, plastic-free packaging and an engaging online experience.
With the new brand in place, Flaus has undergone a highly successful investment round, helping to establish them as the market leaders of the oral beauty category.